Chapter 10: Suffering for Exo Part 2 (Enduring)

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Lin Ah's P.O.V

Here I am infront of the building of that witch director of the concert. I vowed to myself that I will never back out until my team is back in the game. I know I'm not in the right position to ask for this when, in the first place, I was the reason why they were kicked out. However, I also strongly believe that even though I'm not the best and the most angelic person alive, I know that I am still a human that can have conscience. So for this reason, I think I can still have the right, even though I don't deserve it, to stand up for the boys.

I immediately entered the building and asked for the witch's office. At first the they didn't want to answer me, but of course, no one can resist my "glaring eyes" so instead of endangering  their lives, they just answered what I asked them to.  

Once I got the answer, I immediately headed straight to her office. Entered the elevator only to find questioning or admiring eyes looking at me. I know I'm fabulous, but honey, this is not the time for admiring me. I am in the middle of a quest and these people are not helping by distracting my focus. Luckily, it only took a minute or two to reach my destined floor. I left the elevator immediately not wanting too much attention. I walked straight to the witch's coming across different stars. I actually lost my guts for a second there but I had to think straight so I did my best in order to really focus. Once I arrived in front of her workplace, I grabbed the doorknob and stopped for a while before entering her office.

No matter what............This battle's winner........


As soon as I opened the door, I saw Ms. Kwang and yes, she still has that devilish aura surrounding her. I don't know if it was just me or did she looked like she aged a little. Without further ado, this witch immediately raised her eyebrows and asked me arrogantly right after she noticed my existence in her obviously extravagant office.

"What do you want??"

"I want my team back in the concert"

I answered her fiercely

"Don't ask for it.... I will not give it to you....

You better get out because you're only wasting my tim-"

"I will not take no for an answer!"

I shouted already because I know that nothing will happen if I will just talk to her nicely. She will just shove me out of her office and I wouldn't want that to happen when I haven't even received the answer that I wanted yet. So even though it was still early for me to do so, I had to act aggressively just to let her see how persistent I am.

"Fiesty huh? Sorry honey..but once I made up my mind.........IT WILLNEVER CHANGE.."

She told me with an intimidating voice and an irritating look. She grabbed her telephone and dialed a number while looking at me. Although I am not her and I can't read her mind, I knew that she was going to ask somebody to throw me out of the building.

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