Chemicals Awry

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My body

Doesn't feel my own

An alien invasion

With just one little pill

Who knew something so tiny

Could wreak so much havoc?

Change of calendar

Ancient pain

Roller coaster moods

Pulling hair out

Innocent victims get nailed

Chairs get chucked and splintered

When a substance

Man made

Enters your system

Nothing good

Will come out of it


Everything spins

Round and round

Like hoola hoops

On a hippie LSD trip

Chemicals awry

Cross eyed existence

In a revolutionized world

These periodic tables

Created in labs

Tested on rodent humans

Take so much away

For some peace of mind

Worth it in the long run?

Who knows right now

Too soon to tell

Will hold out for results

Until than

Try to keep head above water

Away from the depths of hell

The invisible predators

The paranoid despair

Surrounded by light, love

Laughter and angels

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