Chapter Twenty Eight

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To  be honest, I'm not going to write a long A/N. Okay, so I take art and it is STRESSFUL AS HELL TO MEET DEADLINES. I haven't updated in so long because school is my top priority and it's so hard to juggle everything.  I have a social life + a shitload of art work to do for next week but I really want to get back into writing. I myself feel like I'm losing my talent in writing and I'm beginning to wonder if it's even worth it. 


[not edited]


Chapter Twenty Eight

Have you ever been in the sort of situation where you'd rather just crawl into a hole and disappear for a while than have to face a person because everything is just so painfully awkward?

That's the predicament I'm in right now because I'm pretty sure there's nothing worse than sitting in the same room as you're best friend that is constantly clearing her throat and wiggling her eyebrows, the guy you made out with a couple of days ago and then proceeded to walk away from and said guy's best friend whom you're interested in getting to know.

I jumped slightly as I felt movement beside me and finally tore my gaze from the floor to see it was Aiden. Smiling at him, I took his left hand into my own and squeezed it slightly. He raised an eyebrow and motioned with his eyes to his left (where I knew Blake was seated), and back to mine. Sighing, I made the mistake of looking towards Blake who was watching our whole exchange with a frown and clenching his jaw.

Which was incredibly hot - but that's not the point.

The point is that I'm still unable to believe that we had kissed after years of hate, after years of swearing to never talk to him and that worst of all, I'd liked it.

Clearing  my throat, I finally said "Well," which unfortunately was the exact moment Blake decided it would be a good idea to say "So,"

Turning to glare at him, I wavered slightly as I realized he was already staring at  me, the intensity of his gaze sending chills down my spine. Trying not to show the effect he had on me, I looked away (but not so quick that he'd catch on) and focused on brushing imaginary lint off of my jeans.

"This has been fun and all, but Aiden and I will be off now." I forced a smile whilst staring straight into Lucy's eyes as a way of warning her not to say anything she shouldn't.

"Alright then, have fun!" The sarcastically cheery tone of her voice made it clear that she was desperate to make a suggestive remark but was holding back for my sake.

Aiden let go off my hand to stride ahead and hold the door open. Smiling up at him, I paused as I realised something had been stuck between the crevice of the door and wall. Swiping it up, I unfolded the piece of paper and found myself  looking at a familiar list of words - the bucket list Amelia, Lucy and I had made together.

"What's that?" Aiden asked to which I shook my head in reply. Unsure of how to react to receiving it nor its meaning, I stuffed it into my back pocket and turned around to gesture at Lucy with my eyes.

Catching on she said, "I'll text you later so don't worry about me."

With a small wave, I turned on my heel to walk through the door with Aiden following closely behind. As we waited for the elevator in silence, two main thoughts were flying.

First, it was time to move on and leave Blake and all of the drama completely behind. With exams quickly approaching it was about time to settle down and focus on what was to become of my future after senior year. The situation at hand with Amelia wasn't really helping - although we had sworn to complete the bucket list together before the end of the school year. Internally groaning, I decided that if Amelia was thinking what I believed to be implied by the note, she would have to approach me first because I was done putting in effort for people who didn't care.

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