I. Direct messages

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I'm just gonna jump right into this.

I am sorry if this is total crap too because it is my first whole book I normally write one shots and imagines.

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Calum_in_Da_Hood: Luke she broke up with me.

Calum_in_Da_Hood: Luke?

Calum_in_Da_Hood: Luke please answer me.

LuciferHemmingz: I'm sorry I was watching a movie. I'm here

Calum_in_Da_Hood: Thank god. Luke she broke up with me, Maya, broke up with me OVER TEXT MESSAGE!

LuciferHemmingz: I'm sorry, Calum. I know you love her.

Calum_in_Da_Hood: Is that all? did those two years mean nothing to her? You know, she told me something, Luke, and it hurt. her words physically hurt me.

LuciferHemmingz: What did she say Cal-Pal?

Calum_in_Da_Hood: She said that she had been cheating on me with that curly haired boy from the mall and the one with the eyebrow piercing.

LuciferHemmingz: you mean Ashton and Michael?

Calum_in_Da_Hood: yeah them.

LuciferHemmingz: I'm sorry Calum. I wish my father hadn't moved our whole family here to London.

Calum_in_Da_Hood: I wish you were here, with me.

LuciferHemmingz: I know, Calum. I wish it was like it used to be when I could just come over to your house and hold you till you fell asleep in my arms.

Calum_in_Da_Hood: If only you could come back. I miss you Lukey.

LuciferHemmingz: I know you do Cal-Pal. I miss you too but you know I don't make that kind of money working at the record store.

Calum_in_Da_Hood: I know but still...

LuciferHemmingz: I'm here for you Calum and maybe one day soon I'll be there for you.

Calum_in_Da_Hood: I Hope so. It hurts without you here

LuciferHemmingz: I'm sorry Cal-Pal

Calum_in_Da_Hood: It's not your fault that I'm not good enough for Maya.

LuciferHemmingz: Calum, she was a bitch. You are wonderful, and if she can't see that, she must be blind and stupid.

Calum_in_Da_Hood: thank you Lukey. I love you.

Calum_in_Da_Hood: No homo tho

LuciferHemmingz: yeah....no homo.

Luke pulled away from the computer and wiped away the tears that had formed in his eyes. HE really did love Calum, not in the way you love a best friend either. It is more like the way you feel about a first love for a girlfriend, or boyfriend in this case. He had always been there for Calum when that asshat of an ex-girlfriend had broke his heart over and over again. Her name was Maya and she was a total slutbag, I mean once Luke heard this saying, oh what was it? oh yeah, it was, " Did it hurt when you fell from the whore tree and banged every guy on the way down?" Yeah that really reminded him of Maya, she was always cheating on Calum, hurting his feelings and his confidence. Luke hated it. He had been hoping that Calum would end it but he knew that would never happen because as Calum always said no matter what he loved Maya.

It breaks Luke's heart to hear that but he just has to deal with the completely oblivious Calum. He glanced at the clock, 01:45. "UGH," he thought out loud,"maybe I should get some sleep."

LuciferHemmingz: I am going to get some sleep, Calum. goodnight.

Calum_in_Da_Hood: okay night night Lukey.

"I love you," lukey whispered into the darkness of his room as he shut the lid of his laptop. Then got up from his desk and crawling into bed cuddling up to one of his pillows wishing it was Calum.


heyyy so I'll try to update every week or two! byeeee


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