XII. flashback

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The doctor told Calum that it would be hard for Luke to readjust to the surroundings that he didn't remember, but he also said that reintroducing him to the people and the places he used to know would help immensely. So after Luke was released from the hospital Calum walked him to the Hemmings' house. He had called Luke's parents last night and told them everything that is going on but they decided that they were going to continue their month long vacation.

So Calum walked a stumbling Luke into the house he had not been in for two years. Luke looked at Calum with confusion.

He knew this place

but he didn't know why.


Luke sat carefully on the made bed that Calum said was his. He knew all of the bands on the posters, he knew all of the books on the shelves, he knew this bed, he knew this room, but he still didn't know why. It made him feel empty and vulnerable.

He felt as if he were constantly choking or maybe someone was squeezing his heart as hard as they could.

He felt lost but then there was Calum.

Calum sat down at Luke side and held Luke's hand in his lap.

"What are you thinking Lukey?"

"I just... I don't know I'm lost and everything seems familiar but I don't know why." Luke collapsed into Calum's arms hugging him hard trying to hold back tears."You're the only thing I feel like I still know." Luke buried his face in Calum's neck, breathing in the familiar scent that he had always loved. Calum held Luke in his arms rubbing small circles on the small of Luke's back trying to calm the blonde. This was the only place in the world that Luke felt safe now.

They stayed like this for what seemed like years. After a little bit Luke sat up and Calum got up off the bed. He walked over to the corner of the room and picked something up that Luke didn't see.

Calum walked over with a black acoustic guitar. The second he handed it to Luke, he began to smile.

He remembered this.

The memories of him sitting with this guitar all over town playing whatever he had taught himself recently, hit him like a punch to the gut.

It was how he met Calum...


A 7 year old Luke was sitting with his guitar that he got the week before. He was sitting in a little meadow off the side of the park in the grass on the banks of a small pond. There were little ducklings swimming across the pond with their mother. He was playing Chasing Cars by the Snow Patrol. He looked up from his guitar. He heard something...what it...singing? Looking around he saw a boy around his age sitting at the other side of the pond just on the edge of the woods. He was singing along to the song that Luke had been playing. When the boy realized that Luke had stopped playing he looked up and saw Luke. Luke smiled and offered a small wave over to the dark haired boy.

The boy waved back and got up. Luke followed suit and they slowly made their way half way around the small pound. When they both got there they smiles at each other happily.

"I'm Calum I just moved here, I like your guitar," said the small dark haired boy.

"I'm Luke I live on the other side of the park on Sycamore road. Thanks I just got it for my birthday last week." the short blonde boy pointed toward his house and grinned at Calum.

The two boys walked together to the big weeping willow tree in the middle of the park. They sat there and talked until the sun fell to the horizon and it began to get cold outside. Luke invited Calum over the next day and he showed his new friend around their town.

Luke was always happier with Calum around.

*end flashback*

Luke snapped back into the present day and looked up at the boy from his flash back. Calum must have known what Luke was thinking because he was also tearing up.

The tall blonde got up off his bed and wrapped his arms around Calum's waist and Calum held Luke in his arms content in the fact that he had his Lukey back.


I didn't listen to wherever you are the whole time I writing this.

*nervous laughing*

So, serious question y'all how would you guys feel if I ended the book here and made a sequel?

Comment your thoughts plz?




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