V. siri

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"SIRI how do you tell someone you're gay?" Luke asked his iPhone.

"Let me check that"

"Here's what I found"

Luke scrolled through the endless websites that siri had pulled up. It was a dead end, nothing here was actually going to help him come out of the closet to his best friend and crush. It was hopeless, he was going to have to wing it. "Oh great, I'm going to fuck this up so badly Calum will never want to be with me." Luke thought out loud. He then sighed and took up and went over to his window. From there, just outside the window to the left was the fire escape. This was were luke often times went to get some fresh air and to just clear his head. He climbed out the window and ever so carefully climbed up the fire escape.

When he got all the way up he sat down on the ledge careful to make sure he wouldn't fall off.

He then began to cry, well sob actually, into his hands. Everything was a mess and he felt like he was going to fall apart. He needed to tell Calum how he felt, but it just wasn't fair because he knew that calum deserved more than maya and luke knew that he would be better for calum than her but he can't force calum into anything. It was just overwhelming and depressing. He felt like he was holding a giant weight on his shoulders and it was not fun to be carrying.

He pulled his phone out of his pocket and decided to take some pictures of the night sky to try to calm his nerves.

"Luke?" Calum answers cautiously trying his best not to sound saudade.

"Yeah it's me Calum." Luke sighes into the other end of the phone. He had called calum about an hour into his session of sitting on the roof top hoping to tell Calum how he felt.

"I didn't think you would ever want to talk to me again," Calum felt hopeful but sounded defeated and it physically hurt Luke when he herd the older boy like this.

"Calum, I can't take it anymore. I love you and if you love Maya that's okay I jus-"

"Luke I broke up with Maya" Calum interupted Luke.

"You what?" Luke asked sounding dumbfounded.

"I broke up with Maya because I realized something" Calum repeated slowly for Luke.

"What did you realize, Calum?" Luke asked quite quickly.

"I love you Luke."

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