XI. Crash

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"Remember what?" Luke said then added," Do you mean the crash?"

The three of them sat there in silence for a few moments  

"You remember the car crash?" Calum asked nervously.

"What car crash? I was in a plane crash, right?" Luke didn't remember any cars, this doesn't make any sense and he began to panic (! at the disco). Luke's expression was full of confusion and worry as he looked at Calum and then to Mr.Dixon.

"Luke you were in a car crash a year ago that put you in a coma," Mr. Dixon explained to Luke carefully. 

"Calum I don't understand," Luke said as his eyes began to water. 

"No, I was in a plane crash, but I survived. I was on my way back here to Australia to see you."

"What are you talking about Luke?" at this point both Calum and Luke were extremely confused and scared. 

Luke explained everything from who he thought Maya was and his family moving to London and buying the plane ticket. 

"Calum may I talk to you in the hall for a moment?" Mr. Dixon asked 

Calum nodded and and kissed Luke's forehead before leaving the room with the doctor. 

"Well I have some good new and some bad news," Mr.Dixon 

"Bad news first." 

Mr. Dixon began to explain how sometimes when a person goes into a coma that they can have dreams and when they wake up they could have amnesia and believe that that is what actually happened. So Luke believes that he was in a plane crash and that he had moved to London with his family and everything else that happened. 

"W-what is the good news?" Calum choked out in his shock. 

"The memories are still there we just need to help him remember. They will come back eventually." 

A/n I'm sorry this is so short it is pathetic but it needs to be so 


Whatever it was a day early so your welcome. 


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