VII. Games

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Calum waited those twenty three painstaking hours before he got fed up waiting for Luke to call from the airport  and decided to get in his car and race to the airport.

He sat in the air port for ten minutes... a half hour... one hour... two hours... three hours... and around the four hour mark Calum got up and walked to the lady at one of the ticket counters. She looked up and smiled at him. She looked like she was around 60 years old and her white hair was in a tight bun on the top of her pale head. The name plate on her counter read: Hazel V. Howlter.

"How may I help you, son?" she asked kindly.

"I was wondering about the flight that was coming in from London?"

"Let me check that for you," she said before looking down at her computer.

After a few minuets she looked back up with fear in her crystal blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry. I am going to have to ask you to come with me," she said solemnly as she got up. I followed her to a big office that was in the back of the big building. A man sat at the desk hunched over a computer with his eyebrows knitted together, obviously playing a game.

" Excuse me, Mr. Dixon, but there is a problem with flight number 516."

"Yes, Miss Hazel?" he asked calmly looking up from his game.

" Flight 516 ... it's... lost," said Hazel in a small, shaking voice.

The man looked at Her with the same fearful expression Hazel had looked at Calum with not very long ago. Calum looked shocked and his eyes began to water.

" And who is this?" Mr. Dixon asked trying to be calm but not doing very well.

" This boy was the one who asked me about the flight," Hazel said to Mr. Dixon.

"My fri-" Calum stopped himself," My boyfriend is on that flight."

Both the adults looked at Calum, then did something he had not expected, they smiled.

"Well son, we will have to find that plane then," Mr. Dixon said unexpectedly as Hazel smiled like old people do. 

Even though Calum felt hopeful that they would find the flight, Calum still could not stomach the though of ever loosing Luke.   

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