II. Skype call

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Luke sat at his desk, staring at his laptop silently waiting for a Skype call from Calum. The difference in time zones made it difficult to plan things like this, but they made it work. They had to plan a time because, having an 11 hour difference in time zones makes it hard to do this.

About five minutes later Luke's computer had still not gotten the call and he began to give up hope. So, he pressed the call button on Calum's account and slowly glanced down to his desk where a single plane ticket was awaiting his attention.

Calum answered almost immediately smiling as he gleefully exclaimed," Hey ,Lukey!"

"Hi Calum. how are you?"

"wonderful now."

"That's great! I have some great news to tell you"

"Can I tell you something first?"

"Yeah sure Calum," Luke said a little disappointed.

Calum took a deep breath and then smiled happily and said" Maya took me back!"

Luke felt defeated because Calum looked like one of the happiest people in the world while just across the screen Luke felt as if his world was falling apart at the seams

"Good for you Calum. I hope you are happy" Luke choked out hold back tears.

"Is something wrong Lukey?" Calum looked worried about his friend.

"No I'm just tired cal," Luke whispered, almost inaudible.

"Get some sleep then. What time is it there?"

"04:20 A.M." Luke said as he rubbed his eye with the back of his hand and yawned. Calum inadvertently started smiling lovingly at his best friend but stopped himself as soon as he realized what he had done, hoping Luke didn't see.

"good night Lukey "

"Good night cal pal. I love you." It had slipped out, he didn't mean to say it, even if he did mean it. Calum looked into the web cam and surprisingly smiled.

"I Love you too Lukey."

Then the screen went black and Calum was gone.

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