III. tumblr posts

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I'm so sorry I haven't updated in forever.

Calum continued to scroll mindlessly through his tumblr dash. Nothing seemed interesting even though he was following over 500 people there seemed to be nothing to look at.

Suddenly out of no where he got the urge to scroll back up. When he did, there, he saw that one of the people he was following reblogged something he found interesting. The text post read,"I bought the tickets but I couldn't tell him. What do I do now?"

Calum, being very interested by the post moved his mouse so that he could click on the account that originally posted the text. It had a penguin for the picture and was called penguinlover96. He scrolled through the posts, some being really funny or pictures of pretty sunsets and sunrises but Calum stopped when he found the text post he had read earlier. When he kept scrolling he came across more texts posts like the one before.

'I miss him' one read.

'how'd we drift so far away?' asked another.

As the tanned Aussie boy read on he realized how hurt the person running this account really was by this boy that had left them and broke their heart. He decided to follow the account so he could see if he could be of any help.

Eventually Calum ended up scrolling back to the top of the account to see that there were two new texts posts.

The first said;'He seems happy without me'. While the other stated;' he got back with a girl that used to hurt him but as long as he is happy I guess I'll stop trying'.

Calum read on but did not realize that tears had began to slip silently out of his eyes cascading down his cheeks. As soon as he noticed the tears he wiped them off and told him self to suck it up


It had been a few hours since Calum found the tumblr account and he still hadn't stopped thinking about it since.

Calum was saddened by the knowledge that this person , whomever they may be, was being hurt because of some guy who wouldn't open his eyes and see what a wonderful person was standing there waiting for them.

Then it hit him, like a metal frying pan to the face, it hit him. Everything seemed to come rushing down on him. He realized...

the boy was him.

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