X. Calls

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A/n guys it's my birthday today :) *happy dance* I know I know "back to the story pls im crying" yeah me too. Here we go

"We were told to call him if anything happened with Luke," said a nervous voice.

"I know but it is late and he lives across town," said another, more calm voice.

"I am going to go tell miss Hazel to call Calum," said the first voice again.

There was a silence and then the first voice spoke again," if Luke wakes up Calum deserve to know." Then there was the sound of a door shutting and slowly fainting steps.

Luke didn't understand who these people were or where he was.

*at Calum's flat across town*

Calum just got off the phone with Miss Hazel at the hospital, who told Calum that she was informed that Luke was showing signs of waking up and that she should call Calum. He gratefully thanked her and said that he would be there as soon as possible. 

Once they had hung up Calum took off the pair of harry potter sweatpants he was wearing (you can choose the house.) and threw on a pair of black skinny jeans with a black jumper. 

He rushed out to the car after putting a pair of galaxy vans on and locking the door behind him. Starting up the car he had his jumper sleeves pulled down around his hands  to make him feel more safe, something he taught himself over the year of not having Luke to hold his hand.  

*15 minuets later*

Calum rushed in the doors and smiled at Miss Hazel at the front desk and she waved him through to the elevators. He got in the elevator and rode up to the 3rd (and top) floor of the small hospital. He got to Luke's room and slowly opened the door. Calum walked in carefully, sat in the big uncomfortable chair next to the hospital bed, and grabbed Luke's hand lightly.

When Luke's tall frame began to shift and move around restlessly in bed Calum's heart began racing once again, just like when he was with Luke on the night of the accident.

The sky blue eyes finally revealed themselves after a holy year of hiding, full of confusion.

"C-Calum?" Luke said in his scratchy hoarse voice that Calum hadn't  heard in a year. 

"Yeah it's me, baby I'm here for you. I'm gonna call for the nurses though, okay?" the brunette boys said to the love of his life. Calum carefully let go of Luke's frail hand and pressed the button that alerted the nurses. 

After the nurses came and checked his vitals and got him something to eat and drink Luke and Calum were left alone again. For about a half hour they sat there in silence, Luke trying to piece together his memories and Calum crying on the inside because he finally got his Lukey back.

At around 2 am the doctor that had been looking after Luke since the accident a year ago, Mr. Dixon, walked in with a small smile on his face. 

"Hello Luke, I'm Mr. Dixon. we met when you first came in after the car accident. I have been watching after you for the past year," the doctor introduced himself to Luke and gave a small wave to Calum.

"What car crash?" Luke asked worriedly.

"The car crash you were in that put you in a coma for a yea-" Mr. Dixon stopped his sentence in the middle of a word like he was just realizing something.

"Luke, do you remember anything?" 


*plot thickens*



  I think I'm going to try to do updates at least once a week but idk days yet. Oh well  I love you all. *talks to self* yeah Sam you love the like 12 people including yourself that read this book. lol anyways, I hope you are enjoying this book so far. I'm v proud of it.

live long and prosper 


shut up Sam

okay bye 


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