The Death of a Bachelor - Panic! At the Disco

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Steve: A lifetime of laughter at the expense of the death of a bachelor
When you said yes to marrying him, Steve nearly had a heart attack. He was so excited knowing that he was going to spend the rest of his life with you. The most beautiful girl he'd ever met. The funniest girl he'd ever met. The girl (or boy it doesnt matter) of his dreams.

Tony: Share one more drink with me and smile even though you're sad
It was a tradition for you and Tony to have a drink every night. No matter how busy you were or what had happened that day. If you'd had a shitty day, your evening drink with Tony always made you smile.

Clint: Put my heart on my chest so you can see it too
Clint didn't display his emotions very often, but when he was with you he was an open book. You could always tell when he was feeling down on himself or needed to be alone. You respected his wishes and got him everything he needed. That's why Clint opened up to you.

Nat: I'm playing hooky with the best of the best
Nat often skipped out on training sessions to hang out with you, much to the anger of her teammates. But it didn't matter to her. To Nat, you were better than all of them.

Bruce: And when you think of me, am I the best you've ever had
Bruce constantly thought that you had been with someone better then him in the past. No matter what you told him, Bruce constantly wondered if he was the best you'd ever had.

Thor: How could I ask for more
Being a god, Thor could have everything that he could possibly want, but after he married you he didn't want anything more. Thor thought were the best thing that ever happened to him

Loki: Alone at a table for two and I just wanna be served
Before Loki had met you, he'd had no interest whatsoever in love. He just wanted to do what he needed to do and be done with it. Then you can into his life and changed all that.

Bucky: The death of a bachelor seems so fitting for happily ever after
Bucky's life hadn't been exactly cheerful post-WWII. When he met you, he was in a really bad place. You took interest in him and he took interest in you. When he finally married you, his vows were so sweet: "(Y/N), my life was hell before I met you. I promise to protect my only ray of sunshine forever. I promise to always be home by ten. I promise to never find out who got eliminated on the Voice before you. I promise to cook dinner at least once a month. I promise to defend you even when I know you're wrong and to never put my metal arm in the microwave ever again. Lastly. I promise to love you forever and never let go of our happily ever after."

These were not very good. I squeezed this before I had to go to school. But oh whale. Big love to you all!!


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