Chapter 12 - The Aftermath

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Chapter 12

I'm not even gonna apologise, I know I'm way past deserving forgiveness. I haven't uploaded in 7 months and I've felt bad about it, believe me. It's just that school has taken up so much of my time and energy all these months and now it's even worse because my finals are here.

Yep I'm writing this in the middle of exam season.

You guys deserve it.

Apologies if the quality of my writing isn't as good as I've been out of the loop for a while. Also apologies for any spelling errors as I'm on my new iPod and I'm still getting used to the keyboard.

Well, hope you enjoy :')


The next morning my eyes opened by themselves rather than being awakened by someone else as usual. Noticing that it was silent, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Then it hit me what had happened last night, and I shook my head.

No wonder it was so quiet around here.

Within fifteen minutes I was dressed and downstairs packing my bag, ready to leave for school. It sucked having to go to school after a good time at Logan's yesterday, but it wasn't like I had a choice. I sighed and looked up to see Jamie and Aaron coming down the stairs dressed.

"Morning Les," Jamie greeted and sat down on one of the steps to put his shoes on. Aaron fleeted past me and grabbed a piece of toast from the counter.

"Morning. Where's Jonah?," I asked.

"He's not feeling well," Aaron's reply came from behind me. "He's gonna have to stay home today with Dad."

I sighed, regretting that my little brother had got caught up in all of this mess. We knew it wasn't because he was sick; he was upset about last night's events. He's just a kid. How will he know how to deal with things like this?

"Well, isn't anyone going to tell me what happened last night?" I demanded. "Where's mum? Is that creepy guy still here?"

Jamie entered the kitchen clenching his jaw. "No. Aaron and I came back down after you went to bed, and tried to sort things out. Mum's a stubborn one, she is. She wouldn't budge and insisted on keeping that shit in our house for a couple of weeks. Obviously that made things worse, and in the end Dad and I forced them both to leave." He paused. "Actually we made the Mexican guy leave, Mum decided to leave with him too." He shook his head and grabbed his keys. "I don't even know her anymore to be honest. If she carries on like this I don't think I want to know her."

He walked out and a few moments later we heard the door slam. I watched through the window as I saw my eldest brother get into his car and drive off. 

I turned to Aaron, who had pretty much stayed quiet for most of the time. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows with his mouth still full of food. "Let's go," I stated, picking up my bag. Aaron swallowed and followed me out of the kitchen.

"Leslie?" He spoke, and I turned to face him. "I don't like mum's visits anymore."

I didn't respond and simply stepped out of the house but Aaron knew what my silence stood for.


I just couldn't be bothered with school today. I sat in a daze through my lessons, writing down nothing but the title and the date in my book. I walked out at the end of each lesson without talking to anyone or going to the lockers with Allison like I usually did. She noticed, and after some small talk in the morning she stepped back and gave me my space. I was humbly grateful, and smiled at her warmly when we made eye contact. She would grin back, and I'd be reminded again why we were best friends.

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