Chapter 8 - Desires V Fears (pic of Tyler)

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Chapter 8

Not much to say, apart from ENJOY!! :D

Pic of Logan Lerman on the side as Tyler, looking his usual hot self. *controls teenage hormones*


“Have you told him yet?” Allie demanded as soon as I answered the phone. I had told her what happened two days before and she was excited as though I’d told her I was getting married. I rolled my eyes at her eagerness and sighed.  

“I’m good Allison, thanks for asking,” I said sarcastically. I heard her grunt on the other end of the line and then an exasperated sigh. “Why haven’t you agreed yet?”  

“You sound like my mother.” I scoffed. “And as to your question, I can’t just automatically say yes, can I? Yeah he’s sweet and all that but you can’t base a whole relationship around how nice a person is.”

  “Sure you can,” Allie chirped back. “It’s really simple. If you like him and the feeling is mutual, then there nothing really can stop you.”  

“You’re such a hopeless romantic,” I laughed. “Anyway, what’s going on with your love life?” I asked. She hadn’t talked about it recently so I didn’t know what was going on. While she knew every detail of my love life, I had no clue if she even wanted to be with someone.

  “Mehh. Oh, Ben and I got together.” She said casually, and I gasped slightly. She had liked Ben for ages, and since she never said anything about him anymore I’d just assumed she’d got over him.

  “Ben Cale?” I asked, and Allison said, “Hmmm. How many other Bens do we know?”  

“Since when?” I asked her. I was annoyed about her not telling me. She was the first person I phoned about the Tyler thing, and she was in a relationship and I was probably the last to know. “Some best friend you are, Allie!” I joked.  

“Hey, shut up. We haven’t really gone public yet.” There was a pause on her end of the line and I heard a muffled conversation. “Well I need to go now but I’ll talk to you later. Don’t forget to text me, okay?” Allie said.  

“Yeah, I won’t. I’m not gonna pull an Allison and decide to leave it out.” I said pointedly and Allison chuckled lightly. “Bye, Leslie.” I pressed the red button on my phone and tossed it next to me, slumping my shoulders.  

I had no idea what to do, or how to tell him. He’d been patient and given me time, so I hadn’t heard from him after he left my house. That was a sweet gesture, and I had to admit he was a great guy. I knew it was probably coming across to him as a girl who was playing hard to get, but how would I explain to him why I had lost faith in relationships? 

  I sat cross legged and put my face in my hands. A strand of my hair fell apart from the messy bun and tickled my fingers. I wanted badly to give Tyler a chance, but a part of me, a huge part, kept bringing up haunting images of my past. No matter how hard I tried to move on, my memories would always drag me back, drowning me in self pity. What should I listen to? On the other hand, I knew I had to take up new things and stop doing this, or else I'd never move forward.

  “Why does my parents’ relationship affect me so much?” I muttered into my palm. I loved my parents to bits but I hated seeing them broken. Not only did it scar me, but the rest of my family too even if they were too adamant to admit it. The last time my mum had come home my dad was already locked in his study, murmuring that he had a ton of work to do. That same evening after dinner he packed a bag and said he was going to stay at a friend’s house for a few days. The blatant avoiding pissed me off, and I even told him he was being childish. My dad had shook his head and looked at me.   “What can I do, life makes me this way.” He said sadly, and then quietly shut the door behind him.  

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