Chapter 6 - Dealing With A Load Of Crap

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Chapter 6

Wow, chapter six already!! :O

Okay so in this chapter there will be some new characters, as I think it’s time for a bit of a twist :P

I haven’t thought about their cast yet, but hopefully that will be up soon as well. I’ve tried to make this as long as possible for you so there will be a lot going on in this one....hehehe.

This is dedicated to KaylenJohnson for her constant support and help! You rock!!! :D

Enjoy! J


I grabbed my bag of food on the dining table, making sure I had our main, favourite snack. I grinned as I put the big jar of Nutella into my backpack, separating it from everything else so it didn’t break. There was no way we could have a movie marathon without Nutella. Just no.

When I got to Allison’s house I walked into the living room to find it typically set out for days like these. A huge mattress was laid on the floor, taking up most of the space. There were random bright cushions thrown on it, along with fuzzy blankets and neck pillows. I added the big jar of heavenly goodness to the array of food, completing our necessities. Allison came out of the bathroom and grinned at me, going over to the DVD display and picking out a bunch. “Hey, choose which one you wanna watch first,” Allison flopped down on the mattress and unscrewed a bottle of Sprite.

I scrutinized the movies that were on offer. Paranormal Activity 3, The Vow, John Tucker Must Die, Tangled and The Adjustment Bureau.

I picked Tangled, as I was in the mood for some light hearted comedy. Allison got up and drew the curtains while I set up the film.

By the time we finished, there were wrappers everywhere from the chocolate and crisps, but the Nutella hadn’t been attacked that much yet, surprisingly. Deciding to change that, I dipped my spoon in and carved out a huge hunk.

“Don’t be such a pig, leave some for me.” Allie grunted and snatched it out of my hands. We were just starting up Paranormal Activity 3, chosen randomly by Allie. I guess it was kinda weird that first we were watching a family animation and now it’s a creepy horror film....but that’s how we do it :D

Three movies later and a full stomach later, I looked at the time and panicked slightly. “Allie I need to go now, it’s getting kind of late.” I got up, almost tumbling back down again because I had been sitting down for so long. Allie chuckled, and paused the movie that was currently playing.

“Can’t you stay for a bit longer?” she asked. I shook my head, stretching. “Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow then,” she yawned.

I opened the door and winced at the sudden bright sunlight. “Argh, it burns!” I joked, and Allison gave me a small push.

“I know, so go out so I can shut the door quickly.” Jeez, thanks a lot Allison. Making my way home I dreaded what I had to do. Homework, cleaning, pre – exam was not going to be fun. But unlike Allie I didn’t like to keep things till the last minute so I had to leave early from her house, although there was nowhere I’d rather be right now.

I bet you were wondering what Allie’s punishment was for setting me up. Well yesterday, after a load of relentless tickling and her almost dying of laughter and begging me to stop, I figured I had her at my mercy and finally pulled my hands away, leaving her breathing heavily. Sitting up though, wiping the corner of her eyes, Allie had grinned at me.

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