Chapter 3 - Long Time No See (pic of Leslie)

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Hello :) so this is the third chapter which i was meant to be uploading later, but i'm doing it now because i have a load of time to kill.

oh and because i'm a computer addict. so yeah ^_^

sorry if this isn't as interesting or eventful as the others, but it's slightly longer i think, and i'll try and make my next chapters long and exciting for you :P i have a lot planned.:D

i'll stop talking now. enjoy!

Leslie on the side played by the gorgeous Victoria Justice :D


Chapter 3

*Two weeks later*

It was a Friday night and I was at home, finishing off my literature essay that was due on Monday. Jamie, my eldest brother was home, and so was Jonah, my youngest and last sibling, who was holed up in his room listening to music. Yep, I had three brothers in total. Should you feel sorry for me? Yes you certainly should. Those three, combined with my dad....let's not even go there.

"Jamie! What are we having for dinner?" I yelled at him. He was in the kitchen, most likely texting his latest girlfriend. I'd pretty much gotten used to his antisocial ways; he would either be on his laptop, phone or in his room doing work.

"I don't know, what do you wanna eat?" he replied, appearing at the kitchen doorway shirtless and in grey sweatpants. I looked up; about to say something but instantly pulled a face. "God, Jamie. Put on a shirt will you? Not everyone wants to see your shapeless body." I chewed on my pen, trying to figure out how I should start my conclusion. Jamie chuckled, walking past me, his deodorant wafting into my nostrils. He quickly and slyly dropped something onto my book; glancing at it I realised it was a spider.

Oh hell no.

I got up and smacked him round the head. Luckily he wasn't expecting it so I managed to hit him pretty hard.

In between our play fighting I heard the phone ring. Getting off Jamie, who I had pinned on the floor, I walked to the phone sideways, smirking at him and giving him a look indicating I wouldn't let this go.

"Hello?" I questioned as I picked up the phone. I heard some shuffling on the other end of the line, and then a cheerful voice spoke.

"Hey Leslie. How are you honey?" my mother's bubbly voice made me smile. I hadn't heard from her in two weeks; the last time I talked to her was the day Allison had abandoned me. That was pretty memorable, as she rarely did that. Oh, and the day of my unfortunate encounter with the douchebag Tyler.

"Mum!!" I said excitedly, making Jamie's head turn in my direction with interest. I nodded at him and turned away from him so he wouldn't snatch the phone. "I'm fine, what about you?"

"Just about managing." She replied, and I could detect the tiredness in her voice. How she could sound so happy and exhausted at the same time, I would never figure out.

"Where are you now?" I asked. My mum was an air hostess, which meant she wasn't home that much, and the rare times she was, she would only stay for a few days. Her job demanded a lot; but she'd pretty much seen most of the world, right from the United States to the Seychelles.

"Oh, I'm halting in Madrid for a day or two, and then I'm taking a flight to New Zealand." She paused briefly. "Guess what? I asked my boss for a short break and he agreed, so I'm coming home soon."

"Really? That's great," I said, meaning it. "When are you coming?"

"I don't really know, I guess in a couple of weeks' time. I'll phone you closer to the time. Are any of the boys home, or your father?"

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