Chapter 13 - One Year Later

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Chapter 13  - One Year Later

Don't kill me guys.


I lie on the prickly grass on my back, attempting to steal as much D as I can. Vitamin D, that is.

I slowly exhale a sigh of relief and smile, most likely looking like a freak but at this moment, I’m totally oblivious and uncaring towards people’s opinions.

I’ve realised that as long as you’re happy, everything may as well go to hell, basically.

I twist myself onto my stomach and adjust my body so that both arms and legs get equal chances of tanning. I stay completely still and the heat settles comfortably onto my skin like a giant encompassing blanket. It acts as a soother and it’s not long before I drift off to a peaceful sleep.


If you could make a list of the people, things and situations you’re grateful for in your life, what would you include? Where would you start? Would you stop to think about whether they truly stir your feelings, or would you just slam them down on a messy handwritten list as soon as the thought of them brings an irresistible smile on your face?

What about the people that have completely screwed you over? Do they get a place?

Here I am, wearing baggy shorts, a vest top and sporting a messy bun on a Saturday afternoon on the twisting chair, trying to put together some sort of comprehensible list. Holding my pencil between my teeth I pull my feet up and spin myself once, twice.

I sigh in exasperation and remind myself why I set out to do such a task in the first place. It’s so that every time I feel regret, depressed or unfortunate, I can look at this list, or whatever it’s going to be, and appreciate what I have. It’s so I don’t mope after things that I don’t have.

Feeling a small spark of motivation, I grab my pencil and draw up a table with three columns. On the left I make the heading “Things I appreciate”. The middle heading reads “People I appreciate”. Finally, I mark the last column with the heading “People I should hate but I appreciate anyway.”

“Well, this is better than nothing,” I conclude, folding my legs and taking a gulp of my green tea. I keep my eyes on the paper and as I drink, I think about who or what to put on the list first.

Things - music. Food. Books. Rainbow coloured socks. Penguins. Good education.

People - my dad. My brothers. My best friends. My teacher. My 3 year old cousin.

People I should hate but I don’t - the girl who stole my bike when I was 8. She indirectly taught me not to be an idiot and leave my stuff lying around.

Then, second on that list, I reluctantly scrawl another name under the girl’s.

Tyler Ward.


That's all you're getting for now...honestly, please don't kill me. *smiles*

This story will make sense. Promise. Bear in mind this chapter fast forwards to a year later. :)

Thank you for still being here,

S xxx

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 04, 2014 ⏰

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