Chapter 10 - Finally!

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Chapter 10 - Finally Together

Hey, so I hope you enjoy this chapter. The barbecue isn’t up straight away, in case you think I was lying to you or something.

Anyway, here it is!

A LOT of thanks goes to BVBLover for helping me write some of this! Thank you so much girl, you lifted up my writer's block! :D


“Leslie, wake up! You’re late!”

I felt covers being ripped off me and a cool breeze flew over my stomach, which I then realized was exposed. Still in a sleepy haze I brought my top down to my waist and sat up quickly. The person who woke me up wasn’t in the room any more.

“Huh?” I got up and went to the bathroom, where Aaron stood, waiting for me.

“Good morning,” he said sarcastically and I ignored him to go in and take a shower.

Well that was a bad start.

After getting dressed I looked at the clock, and realised I had just over ten minutes to get  to school to be classified as “on time”. I gasped slightly and speeded up my actions. Darn it, I knew I shouldn’t have stayed up watching movies till two in the morning.

But technology was just so addicting.

Once I got to school I received some curious stares as I timidly opened the door.

“Why are you late, Leslie and Aaron?” The teacher stopped in mid talk to look at us both.

“Oh great! You stopped the discussion for us? How sweet!” I thought sarcastically as I held back the urge to roll my eyes.

“Sorry,” I muttered sheepishly as I made my way to the middle of the room and sat down next to Allison, who smiled at me in greeting.

Usually I go to school with her, but today she went early to do some assignment, so Aaron and I went together at his usual time, which was typically five minutes before the bell.

About halfway through the day I looked up and a thought struck me. “Tyler’s not here today,” I  caught on. Allison looked up and stared at me blankly.

“No shit, Doctor Duh.” She smirked. “Why,” she smiled at me as if she just figured out something, “Are  you missing him?” She asked in a cooey-singsong-voice.

“No,” I won my mental fight as I tried not to blush, “I just thought it was kinda quiet.” She nodded in agreement and carried on working out maths problems.

I acted like it didn’t bother me but inside I was curious as to why Tyler was absent. Truth be told, I did kind of miss having him around. In class he would always smile at me and sometimes we would even start talking about the work or anything else that came to mind. Without him it felt oddly serene.

Having finished my work I turned to talk to a girl called Regan, and we discussed what we were going to wear to the barbecue on Sunday. She was also staying around my house the night before and we planned what crazy stuff we were going to do. Talking to her kept my mind off Tyler for a while; before my boredom took a toll on me and my thoughts switched to him again.

I bit the tip of my pencil and stared at the board, which for some crazy reason began doodling Tyler’s name. I blinked and looked around. Everyone else seemed to be busy working or talking to their friends.

Was I the only one that saw that?!

I looked over at Allison and she raised her eyebrows at me. I pointed to the chalkboard and she gave me a look. “You don't see...”

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