Chapter 9 - Stalker.

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Chapter 9

I know you had to wait sooooo long, and I'm so sorry but I was going through a lazy phase. Plus I went to my friend's house to stay for a few days, so yeah :)

Enjoy as usual :)

This chapter is not named yet. I can't think of anything :(


My phone beeped for the fourth time in two hours. Already grimacing, I picked it up from the coffee table and peered at it. 'Allison' it read on the screen next to a little message icon. Phew. If it was another text from Tyler I would've taken out the freaking battery. 

'How did loverboy take the rejection?' I rolled my eyes at her choice of words. I typed back a quick reply and as I did my phone vibrated in my hand, indicating that I had another text. 

'Not good. He's been constantly sending me messages and it's getting kind of annoying', my screen read once I finished typing. I reread it to make sure it was correct and sent it off. I wasn't so lucky the second time; this text message WAS from Tyler himself.

'If I was your boyfriend, I'd never let you go.' He had sent, with a little smiley face at the end. I laughed slightly, which earned me a funny look from Jamie. I raised my phone and he nodded in understanding before going back to whatever he was doing. I hit the reply button and typed:

'Quoting Justin Bieber won't help, even if he is très sexy :D' I sent.

'He's not as sexy as me' Came the reply a minute later. I grinned and crossed my legs. 

'Sure, dream on :) Jealous?' I replied.

'I have nothing to be jealous about, babe. You'll be mine soon enough so why should I be jealous?' I raised my eyebrows at his cockiness. Yeah right I'd be his! Deciding not to reply to that I got up to get a drink.

"You're not on your phone?" My dad inquired, turning around from the stove. He was wearing an apron and was currently frying something for dinner. "Never thought I'd see the day," he joked. I rolled my eyes and leaned against the counter. "Very funny. What are we having?" I peered over the pan but I couldn't make out what it was.

"You'll see," my dad grinned. He put his spoon down and opened a couple of cabinets, pulling out jars of spices. "By the way, do you mind being alone for a weekend?" he asked. 

I shook my head. "No, why?"

"You know uncle Noah?" I nodded. "He's having a renovation at his home. He asked me and the boys to help out. I guess you could come if you really wanted to...."

"No, I'll be fine," I cut him short. There was no way I wanted to go there. I'd be totally bored and besides, I hadn't had some alone time in a while.

Dad nodded and smiled slightly. "That's what I thought," he said. "I figured you might want to have a bit of fun, you know, after that whole thing."

I nodded, knowing he was talking about Mum. "Am I allowed to have friends over?" I asked, hopeful. 

"Yeah. Only a few, and..." he thought for a moment before his face cleared. "And no boys." he ordered. 

I smiled happily and went upstairs, grabbing my phone on the way. I was definitely looking forward to the weekend; in fact I was already planning another movie marathon with Allison, and maybe a couple of other girls. Two whole days to relax, with nothing but friends? Yes please.

I opened my laptop and went on chat. Instantly I got a message from Allison, a bubble popping up in the corner. "Hey," it read. "Tyler wants you to go on chat with him. You haven't been answering your phone?"

I glanced at the screen and noticed I had a couple of messages and the LED light was flashing. Whoops. Clicking on his name I sighed before I typed "hey." During the time I waited for his reply I told Allison about the whole weekend thing, and she was more than ready for it. We were gonna spend Saturday afternoon watching movies and maybe go shopping, and she was gonna stay round the night. Then Sunday we were going to go over to a guy called Logan's house for a barbecue. Allie was already going there so now I am too. Allison called him and Logan said it was okay. A bubble popped up again showing Tyler had replied.

"Hey. How come you didn't answer to my text?"

"Sorry. I was busy :')"

"It's cool."

"So what you up to?"

"Trying to get you to go out with me." His answer was simple and straight to the point. I stared at the screen blankly. How do I reply to something like that?

"I thought I said, I'm not ready."

"I'll wait."


"But I won't give up :)"

"I know. Sorry I need to go now. Talk to you later Tyler ;)"

"You will. Byeee :D"

I signed out of chat and shut the laptop, humming to myself as I went downstairs. Dinner still wasn't ready, so I decided to have a quick, hot shower to wake myself up. Stripping in the bathroom, I exhaled with pleasure as the warm water rapidly seeped down my body. I felt my muscles relaxing and I massaged them gently, adding soap to my arms and legs. I got out of the shower and got dressed, grabbing a plate.


After dinner I made my way upstairs, ready to go to bed. Even though the day was totally relaxed I still wanted to climb into my bed and sleep for hours. Doing nothing all day was tiring.

I pulled the covers up to my chin and shut my eyes for a few seconds before my phone beeped and I had to reach out of my comfortable nest. What person would text me so late, and why?

"If I was your boyfriend I'd send you cute goodnight texts every night :')" my screen read. I smiled widely and tucked my phone under my pillow. This boy is crazy.

But I thought over it. My feelings weren't even clear. Did I actually like him?

Sure I did, my mind replied instantly. Just not in the way he wanted. I couldn't deny he was cute, sweet, and unfairly good looking. Now I had a much better impression of him than I did when I first met him. I found myself thinking of him a lot; perhaps more than friends should think about each other. Did that mean anything? I mostly smiled when he was around, and up until now, I always liked it when he texted or called me. Was I falling for him?

Damn, I'm just overcomplicating things. I shut my eyes again. No point trying to figure out something that isn't even clear to me.

My thoughts were filled with Tyler and nothing but Tyler as I sank into sleep.


This is unfair on you because you waited so long and you still get a crappy chapter. Promise the next one will be better and you won't have to wait as much. Next chapter is the barbecue! :D

Please please vote. I want nothing more :')

-S xxx

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