Leslie Withers x Gentle doctor male reader

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Edit(date:03/12/2016): Pic somehow didn't work anymore...I fixed it~ btw also edited a few sentence's but nothing major don't worry ^^~ ALSO!!! I'm probably making a part 2 of this ;3 a lot of you sweet guy's and gals liked this one-shot so i'm considering making a part 2(*coughs* with a lemon mby) so get yo self ready~

There is like almost no fanfiction of male reader x Leslie........ so I made one :P I had some inspiration after i read some fanfics of him, but I tried making the plot as original as possible :P *table flip* But almost everyone already made a gentle doc/nurse reader so this is nothing new -.- *shrugs* I tried my best ok!!!! *goes to emo corner*

*sighs* But I hope you still enjoy~ I'll try to put as much fluff in as I can....and make it at least a bit interesting.....also this is an AU(Another Universe.....sssooooooo yeah)


*third pov thingie*

The walls shook as Leslie screamed in his cell "OUT OUT OUT OUT!!!!!!!!". Panicked the doctors and nurses quickly overflowed the little cell, trying to calm Leslie down. But to no avail, Leslie kept screaming he wants 'out' and 'see (M/n)', as he threw stuff around him. Almost hitting  nurse and a doctor, soon one of the doctors grabbed Leslie and pinned him down in his bed "Quickly he is down!!!" he yelled, the other doctors and nurses hesitated. The doctor gritted his teeth "Help me dammit!!! We need to calm him down till Doctor (L/n) is here!!!!!" one of the nurses stepped up "B-but (L/n) said w-we needed to be gentle with him....that L-leslie is v-very fragile and needed to be t-taken with c-care--" the Doctor quickly interrupted her "I don't care at the moment!!!! If we don't do something now he is going to hurt himself, or even worse; Us!!!! So help me pin him down and sedate him!!!"

(a/n: Sedate means putting them asleep with special drugs/medicine, they most of the time do that to operate a person or just to calm them down.).

The doctors and nurses still hesitated but soon helped, Leslie screamed as some of the nurses and doctors where trying to hold him down, "LET GO OF ME!!!!! LESLIE WANTS TO SEE (M/N)!!!!!!" Leslie screamed as tears fell from his face, "GET THE SYRINGE DAMMIT!!!!" one of the nurses squeaked and went to get a syringe. When she finally came back, she got the syringe ready and walked closer to him "Sorry Leslie....." she said as she was holding the syringe ready to sedate him. But Leslie wiggled out of her way.

*your pov...kinda...yup*

You heard all the commotion, and quickly tried to walk up to Leslie's room. Soon wiggling through all the other doctors and nurses in the hallway, and slamming the door open of Leslie's cell. Making everyone freeze as they accidentally loosened their grip on Leslie. Leslie saw his chance and quickly escaped, running up to you with his face overflowing with tears. He quickly hid his face in your chest, gripping your doctors coat as his body shook as more tears streamed down his face.

You gently held Leslie in your arms, whispering sweet words to him. After a while he calmed down, but still gripped your doctors coat like his life depended on it. You glared at all the doctors and the nurses, who shook in fear. "What have I told you!!! Be gentle to our patients; especially Leslie. Who gave you the orders to hold him down, and sedate him?" they jumped, and quickly pointed at the doctor who ordered them to do it "H-HE/HE DID!!!!!" where the mixed answers of the nurses and doctors.

You glared at the slowly balding doctor "Dr.Jimenez, it's not the first time that I told you--" Dr.Jimenez interrupted you rudely "Yeah yeah, I know already. But you need to understand doctor, that Leslie is not easy to calm down, especially if your not here!! He throws stuff around the room almost hitting a nurse and a doctor--" "Then you should've have paged me and I would've been on my way, don't just take actions by your self. You could traumatize Leslie even more." Dr.Jimenez puffed out his chest and glared at you "Fine! I have better stuff to do, then waste my time here, arguing with you." he said as he walked out of the door, you could still hear him ranting in the hallway, you sighed and shook your head.

"Everyone leave this room. I'll take care of Leslie, don't worry." you said smiling gently at the rest, the doctors and nurses nodded, one by one leaving the room. When finally the last one left, you sighed relieved and kicked the door close with your foot, making Leslie jump a bit. You chuckled gently and ruffled his hair, "Don't worry Leslie, i'm here now. No one is going to hurt you." Leslie smiled to himself, and nuzzled his face more in your chest "Leslie missed (M/n).....(M/n), (M/n)...." you chuckled at his cuteness. You lifted him up in your arms bridal style, making him squeak and wrap his arms around your neck, you chuckled and nuzzled your nose against his "Well I missed you too Leslie~....sorry that I didn't visit these last few days, I was quite busy. But i'm all yours now~ What do you want to do sweetie?~".

Leslie gave you one of the most cutest looks you've ever seen, before answering "Hug~ cuddle and hug Leslie, Leslie misses (M/n) warm hugs and cuddles.~" he said giggling and smiling, making you see his little chipped tooth. You smiled warmly at him,

"Of course my little Bunny~ Anything for you.~"

And you cuddled Leslie to his full content.~

THE END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!!!!! I'm fan-griling over here XD even when I was writing this, I had this big goofy grin on my face >w< so cute~♥ What do I love Leslie *swoons*

I'm quite proud of this one-shot ^^~ ♥ I hope you liked it too~ bye~♥♥♥

Random one-shots(with seme male reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant