Chapter 4

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~Two days later~

It was Joe's funeral.

I was really depressed. I cried a lot.

People tried to comfort me and whatsoever.

I couldn't believe that this funeral was Joe's.

He was the love of my life. We were lovers for about three years.

Losing him this way wasn't the kinda easy thing.

Now I have to forget him when I don't want to, it's just so hard.

But it's okay.

I'm used to sadness and grief, I'm used to crying almost all the time.

Joe was the one who made me smile. He was like a rose in the middle of a desert.

He was the best thing that's ever happened to me.

But I'm used to loss, I'm used to all of that.

Joe wasn't the first or the last thing I lose.

I've lost my life a long time ago.

I'm trying to live my life again, but every time when I'm just this close to being happy, everything gets ruined.

But I have to live my life.

Life is a gift that we all should appreciate.

I don't know why people commit suicide but it's not on my list. I'll live every day of my life no matter how sad it is I'm sure it'll have at least some seconds of happiness. 

I won't rush my death, cause we are all destined to die..

But now many things are playing in my mind, as the symbol that was on Joe's face, the words of Kevin, that ghost standing right there staring at me pitifully.

Oh, great! Now ghosts feel pity for me too, that's what I really needed right now, GHOSTS.

Well, he actually looks sad, as if he regrets something.

He looks a bit different from all the other ghosts I've always seen. He don't have any bruises or cuts, his eyes are teary. He is smiling but his smile is sad, his heart is broken.

Yes, literally broken, there's a large piece missing in it. I don't know how am I able to see it.

That's weird, maybe I can see through people! I mean ghosts. GREAT, extra gift I get for being able to see ghosts. How nice.

He's coming closer quickly


Go away,

Leave me alone. 

He stood in front of me

"Sorry.." he said softly and then he disappeared.


What's that supposed to mean? Am I getting sympathy and condolence from ghosts too?

Am I that pathetic!..

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