Chapter 9

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"GET OUT!" I ordered him. But he didn't move a tad bit.

Is he deaf?!

"I SAID GET OUT!" I screamed louder, but he didn't move, he was just smiling looking at me with amusement..

I'm not amusing! And this surely is not amusing!

When I lost hope that he'd get out, I got a towel and wrapped myself with it.

I hope he didn't see anything.

I shot him a glare and went to my room, he followed me!!

Ugh! I tried to wear my clothes, which was hard to do in his presence. But I managed to do it. I went down to the kitchen to eat something and HE WAS STILL FOLLOWING ME!

Why is he following me?

"GET YOUR ARSE OUT OF MY HOUSE" I screamed at him but he just laughed,


A ghost, Laughing?.. Doesn't seem right!

Maybe he's a vampire or a zombie.. I passed my hand through his body.. nah, he's a ghost. Maybe he's a laughing ghost! Do ghosts have types? Like birds! Oh my God imagine that! What does birds have to do with anything? I don't know..

Okay, back to reality..

I tried to ignore him.

Why didn't he leave? Ghosts always leave when I scream or ignore them.

Maybe he's one of a kind. I mean, I could see through him, He laughed, He didn't leave when I screamed or ignored him..Ugh!

He looks familiar anyway.

I finished eating and drank my coffee. He was still sitting in front of me watching me eat.

I'm not a TV show!

Maybe people are TV shows for ghosts...mhm... No, that's not good! Not good at all.

"Okay, what do you want from me?" I asked him, wishing I could get rid of him somehow.

He didn't reply.

"So.." I said raising my eyebrows.

"Sorry" He said, smiled softly and disappeared.

Okay, WTAF!!


He was following me all this time and getting on my nerves just to say sorry, smile and disappear!

He shows up twice in one day just to say sorry!!

Okay, I got it from the first time.


Did he want to assure me? Okay, I get it, he doesn't have to assure me!

Why is my life so wrong?

Why was I born in the first place?

Why am I so unlucky?

What is the wrong thing that I've done?

I need to know why am I so miserable, depressed, pathetic, unlucky...


Did I deserve not to live? If that's so, take my life right now, please. Cause I ain't ending it!

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