Chapter 12

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It has been two weeks since Joe's death,

Two damn weeks in which I have been a wreck,

I haven't eaten well,

I haven't slept well,

I look like a dirt bag,

My hair is a uncombed and looks like a cockroach is nesting in it,

My smell is stinky cause I didn't shower much, only six times, six times in fourteen days!

There are dark bags under my eyes,

I haven't spent a day without crying and of course without 'my luck charm'

The Freaking Ghost.

But at least he doesn't annoy me, he just.. like stalks me..

That's a progress, I guess.

Anyways, you get the point


Not to forget to say that I don't answer the phone or the door,

Kevin is worried, I have like million texts and calls from him but I didn't reply to any I just rang him once to assure him that I'm okay

I think that's what they call depression? I guess.

Back to now,

I sent Kevin a text saying "I'm alright" cause he sent a one saying that he'd break to my house and I really won't like that.

Just after I sent the text my phone started ringing, I just ignored it and left it on the bed.

I decided to take a walk in the house,

Just as I was about to get out of my room, I saw a ghost and I panicked, my eyes widened and I froze.

Okay, I think I'm imagining stuff now,

This can't be him. He can't be a ghost, he must have passed to the other side or whatever they call it, he can't be here!

"Jamey? Jamey sweety is that you?" I asked him softly.


"I.. you.. happy." He said smiling.

Weird! last time I checked he didn't know how to talk!

He was just a little kid, a baby.

"Jamey, I miss-" I was saying but then he disappeared, "-ed you.." I continued my sentence collapsing on the floor crying.

I hate this!

After a while, I stood up and walked to my nightstand, I took Jamey's photo and admired it,

You might want to know who Jamey is,

Well, he's my little brother...

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