Chapter 5: Plan A

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July 19, 2025; 0924 HRS

Erie County Sheriff's Office

"What are we going to do Chief?" Thomas asked "We have a threat by some organization called Krypton ." I took a moment to stifle a laugh and Chief looked at Thomas calmly "It's called Crypt." Thomas turned around in frustration "Whatever! We've got to do something about this." I raised my hands as a signal for him calm down and then looked at Chief Barnes for him to continue. "We have a Plan A, which is peaceful reasoning." He answered. "Does this city really think that peaceful reasoning is going to work with a guy, with a Greek god of the underworld's name, in a robotic suit that's heavily armed with weapons?" I asked. "In all honesty, there's a 50-50 chance on this, he either listens to us or not. We've got to do anything we can before he wreaks havoc on the city." Chief said. "So we just hang out here until we get coordinates on him Chief?" Syth asked. "Yes. Now stop asking questions, you three." Chief demanded and turned back to his computer. "...And if it doesn't work, well, you're in for a surprise."


1013 HRS

I sat in my office. I was playing Galaga at my computer when Thomas stepped in through the grey, wooden door. "Natasha? Earth to Natasha!! Repeat, Earth to Natasha!" Thomas was now looking at me. I jumped into consciousness as his words zapped into my brain. "Huh?" I mumbled. "Chief wants us back in his office, something's going on." Thomas started to leave the room. "Ah shoot..." I sank into my chair as my last life was taken out by the space bugs. 

"Alright. Let's hope some chit-chat does work. I'd hate to find out what happens when talking to the guy just goes down the drain." I got up and followed Thomas out of the room. The police station was still empty except for us four. Are they still out on the call? I wondered. 

"What's going on?" I asked as I entered Chief's office. "Take a look at the television." Syth said, standing with her arms crossed and staring at the screen. The reporter seemed to be in shock "There... There's an aircraft hovering over Jetstream City. Origin is unknown but there's been countless suggestions that it... it's... Crypt." She choked out. One of the cameramen came onto the screen and helped her off of camera view. The cameraman picked up the reports and started talking. "The radio transmissions are unresponsive..." He stopped mid-sentence, tapping the receiver on his headphones. "Oh crap. Get a view on the aircraft, now!" A small box showed at the top right-hand corner of screen, it enlarged and the cameraman disappeared. The odd aircraft was landing.

"Project the screen." Chief ordered. I nodded, stepped up to the control and pushed the all capital lettering, green colored words labeled PROJECT. The device set coordinates for the hologram by scanning the room. When it was done, a slightly shaky, 3-D image of the television set out in front of us. It's 2025, technology isn't perfect yet. "I know where that is." Thomas stated. "That's the Jetstream Community Park." He looked around at us. "Look! It has the word Crypt imprinted on it." I stated pointing at the right wing of the aircraft. A hatch suddenly opened and I stepped back. "It's Horkos." Chief said, half talking to himself. Out of the hatch in the bottom of the aircraft stepped a figure in a black robotic suit and yellow cape. "Yep, Chief called it." Thomas said.

"We need to get out there, right now." Chief said, picking up his keys. "Thomas, you're coming with me." Thomas nodded and followed Chief out the door. "You girls team up and follow us." Chief Barnes called behind him.

"Let's go Rocket." Syth said and walked out to grab her keys. "I'll meet you by your car, then." I called to her.


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