Chapter 18: Prison Break Part 2

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August 14, 2025; 1635 HRS

Lockside Prison

This day had promised a great achievement for him. A trap set for Chief's prodigies, the prison guards putting up an exhilarating fight, and numbers of his spiritual siblings freed all in a matter of minutes. Thanatos had troops fighting every officer and every prisoner who refused to come with them. Leaving a bloody massacre behind every step he took. People tried to overpower him, a select few had gotten a couple good punches at him, but each time he took them down. His training in combat far exceeded even their best men. 

"Dave Razer. I'm glad to see you had a grand time in prison." Thanatos smiled, entering one of the many cells. 

"Charlie Marles." Dave laughed. "How are you, man?" he got up and went to his old friend. 

"You know as well as I do that my new name is Thanatos." he informed him. "I haven't seen you since Horkos sent you, Elijah, and Randy on the mission."

"Yes, Randy died for a good cause. I will avenge his death if it's the last thing I do..." He paused and digressed "Oh, my friend, I hope you find that name suitable."

"Not quite. Thanatos is of peaceful death. Here I am leaving a vengeful death like that of my sisters, the Keres." He held his head low, beginning to regret the hate he poured into his killings. 

"Well from now on, let your men do the dirty work. You must bring peace to those who deserve it. I knew you should've been named after Ares. It's odd how we model ourselves after the underworld and nothing else."

Thanatos strayed from the conversation to give his friend a dire news. "I know who has taken out Randy, I will give you the chance of avenging him with her death. She brought it upon herself. But, Dave, you must be careful with her. She holds small numbers like an army and she controls fire and ice."

Dave clenched his fists and bowed before his General. "Thank you for giving me a chance to avenge our old friend. May the gods be in our favor." 


I couldn't do anything without getting my throat cut. "What do you want from me?" I choked out. "I guess you'll just have to find out." he answered. 

I thought I saw a silver glint shine near us before Invisio was dragged off of me. Feeling the weight lifted off of me, I got up, feeling my throat for any cut at all. I turned my head to see Ben drag Invisio with his kusarigama wrapped around his left arm, then whipping the chain around his right leg to unbalance him. Invisio thrashed wildly around in the chains as Ben attempted to leap to him to hold him down. Invisio seemed to get an idea because the next thing we knew, he turned invisible once more. "Let's fight, man to man, no powers." Invisio's voice echoed through the night. "Can't promise no powers, I can regenerate." Ben retorted. "That's fine, so do I." Invisio appeared behind him and threw a punch at my brother. "Starting now!" Ben fell over, only to pop up throwing his string of grenades. 

I sped over to the security room eager to complete Syth's plan. And peering into the room, I saw them sitting at a circular table oblivious to the chaos the recordings of the camera showed. Crypt was taking out the officers faster than they went through water. It was bad. I turned my head back to the three in the middle of the room.

 One of the men was drinking a mug of coffee, I knew my first strike. I sped through the room, grabbing the mug, and placing it on a cabinet at the other side of the room. "Who took my mug?" the man asked. "I don't know what you're talkin' about Walter." The taller one answered. The other guard shrugged. Walter got up "Nevermind, I see it." and walked over and grabbed his cup. While that happened, I saw three of the cameras go out. We're doing good, I thought. Syth must be using her board to travel to the cameras. Considering Ben left her to help me with Invisio. They were most likely the last officers standing, yet they didn't know what was going on in the world around them. They were way too involved in that poker game. I figured I'd mess with them for a minute.

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