Chapter 24: It Happens

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August 15; 2138 HRS 

Manhattan, New York

We recounted the details to my parents and Athena ended it with, "And that's why she was two hours late. She couldn't change it if she tried because of Cronos."

"Besides." I responded. "I don't see why I'd want to, this all turned out pretty well."

"True, there's no way we could've stayed here and never have Mr. and Mrs. Rocket find out." Athena said.

"How come?" Ben asked.

"Because, being the quote on quote "goddess" of wisdom, on my planet I'm just the wisest warfare strategist, I thought of every move we could possibly make and this seems to have the best turn out." Athena countered. 

My parents looked at us, the amazement leaving their faces as they gradually became used to the situation. "Why'd you pick out my kids for this?" Dad asked finally. 

"It wasn't just my choice. Although, we did need a group that could get along easily and had some form of training in the police force. We only chose your son for his ingenuity and the ability to get along with the others. Syth, Thomas, and Natasha also made the most promising team in the entirety of Jetstream City." 

"One thing I never got." I started. "What happened to all the other units?"

"Noah Barnes called them to evacuate the city and help the civilians out." Athena answered.

The thought of Chief made me grimace inside. Last we saw him, he tried to kill us. If it wasn't for Athena, my team might've died. "I'm calling it." I replied and stepped away from the kitchen where we were talking. I pulled out the couch once more and laid the blanket down. 

"What are we going to do now?" Thomas asked. "We wait for Cronos to round up the other Olympians and hopefully as many of the others as we can." Athena responded. Dad nodded, "You all better get some sleep. We've no clue what's going to happen."

The others muttered agreement and headed off to the living room.


I woke up to the television blasting unwanted light into my eyes. Ben must've left it on when he fell asleep, he has the remote. I sat up and looked around. It was pitch black except for the t.v. and random lights flickering about the room. I directed my attention towards the clock on the stove, 2:58, it read. Great, I thought, either my insomnia's acting up again or the t.v's too bright. I heard Ben roll over and I glanced at the television when it flickered to another channel. Ben must've rolled onto the remote. A news reporter was talking about something. The volume was too low to hear. I saw the familiar sights of Jetstream City in a cornered box. I scooted off the bed and went over to the t.v. to hear it. Then the corner picture shifted to the logo of the news station. Aw man, I missed the news on Jetstream, now I gotta wait for it to come back on. I thought grumpily, but continued to watch.  The news reporters explained the next picture, "Good morning, Manhattan and welcome to MN6, Manhattan News 6. For now, we're covering the story of 'Dog Gone Astray'. Here you can see Reporter James Malcolm live from where a neighborhood search is taking place." The first reporter faded out and the the cornered box enlarged. 

"Thank you, Lily. Today we're taking footage of a neighborhood search here in the city of Manhattan, where a family dog has gone missing. The dog's owners claim that he's never even done something like this before."

I let out a huff as this footage reminded me of my old dog, Max. He was my life-long bud, the sizzle to my steak, he was the bread and Ben and I were the peanut butter and jelly. Can I put it in any other cheesier expression? He was a Jack Russell/Rat Terrier mix and he ran off him while he was blind. He was the most lovable thing, but also the most protective. I could never forget the one dog that would protect me until the end. I guess I was worried because he never wandered before and there was a regularly used road right next us. I shook my head, it was alright because prayer works. Maximus came back that same morning, scratching the door. Even though I don't talk about God a lot, I know he's there. I gave a silent prayer for the missing dog as I scrunched myself right in front of the television, staring at the bright, moving pictures. 

I waited a somewhat interesting half an hour before reports about Jetstream started rolling in. "Here we are, with the first recorded nationwide sent video from Crypt." Another reporter said to all the viewers. "It's said to be the second one made, with reports of the first one being sent only to Jetstream City. This video says it all. Please, don't panic everybody." The reporters voice seemed to be really calm, hints of fear traced here and there. I thought of waking the others. Would the news network talk about this later in the day? I figured I'd let them sleep. News networks always replay these kinds of things for like a week. Besides, I wanted to watch it as many times as possible to see if I can catching any hidden information. Unfortunately, this television wasn't the kind that you could pause and replay. Nope, you had to do this the normal way, wait.

The picture on the screen switched from flashy reporter room to an eerie brownish black covering most of the the screen. I saw the familiarity of Horkos' eyes protruding like yellow rays of the sun through his haunting, black helmet. 


WASSUP WATTPAD LOVERS, WRITERS, AND READERS! Okay, I hope you enjoyed this abnormally short chapter.(Sorry 'bout that) I've been reconstructing the entire book. So, to make up for that, I decided to give you the first ever depiction of our very own villain, Horkos! If you have any other color combo suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know. If you'd like to see a picture of the other characters, wait until January 1, 2017 and head on over to my book, "TU's Watch List"! Enjoy Wattpadders!



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