Chapter 11: Concentration

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August 3, 2025; 1130 HRS

Training Hall

          "Our training's paid off for you Benjamin." Athena congratulated him, "Syth, very nice offense. You're very skilled." She went to the weapons display once more to present them with the one that fit them best. "Ben, I think you deserve a very complex talent. A Kusarigama, train yourself with it. It'll take a long time to master. And Syth, I don't believe you need one. Your fire and ice powers will serve you greatly enough. Next time for defense, I advise an ice shield. You can make any weapon with your powers." 

          Syth smiled brightly, her eyes gleaming with an ecstatic spark. "Now," Athena started, "I want you all to take the day to understand your tools. Syth, I want to train with you first. Go on lunch, I want you back here by 1 o'clock sharp. The rest of you, research your tools. Thomas, you'll find the research for the Dynamic Duo in my study. It's in the top drawer of my filing cabinet. You will need this key card for the door and this code for the filing cabinet." She handed him a card and a note. "When you're done, slip the card and the note under the door to my lab. Any questions?" After a brief paused, she said "Alright, get to it." She clapped. She spun around to the direction of her laboratory, her long, brown hair spinning around to reveal an owl emblem she was wearing on her shoulder.

August 4, 2025: 1242 HRS

Sleeping Chambers

          "So, I did some book work on the Naginata and I found out that what I have is a ko-naginata. It's designed for women in the art of Naginatajustu. The blade can be taken off or be covered by it's wooden sheath. It goes back well over 1,000 years." I explained to Syth as I sifted through my one of three books I checked from the facility's library. It was titled, "Armory of Japan".

          "That's cool." She said, reading a transcript of Project Chrysalis about the heat and ice powers she recieved. "You aren't listening, are you?" I asked her. "Kind of..." Syth admitted. "Let's go get some training done. Athena wanted all of us back after lunch by one." I took out my phone to check it, "And right now, it's 1244 hours." 

          Syth got off my bed and smoothed out the comforter, "Well we better get going, then. Takes forever to get to the other side of the facility." I nodded in agreement and tucked my phone back into the pocket of my sweater. "What's got you so unfocused?" I asked her as I took hold of my naginata and held the door open. She nodded a thank you and passed through the doorway, "Just Chief." she answered. "Oh." I said, almost inaudibly. "When do you think Athena's gonna let us out of here?"

          "Probably when we can control our powers. My powers keep fluctuating and my hair goes up in flames. Good thing the experiment reduced my own flammability." She took out her phone to check the map Athena gave us. "I can just imagine someone screaming out at work," I laughed, "because of your hair turning into a campfire." Syth looked at me with green eyes, "And I suppose your vibrating hands wouldn't cause some to worry about you at the office?"

          I knocked my head back, "Are they seriously doing that again?!" I looked down at my hands, and sure enough, they were shaking rapidly. "Note to self, learn control." I half-joked. 


Training Hall

"First off," Athena started, putting her spear carefully in its place on the weapons display. "You've all had similar training." She said, looking at us as we lined up on the side of the room. "Today, we're are practicing with our tools of defense and offense, but first, we must learn self control." A small smile twitched at the side of my mouth. I knew I needed this. "Ben, Natasha, Tom. You three put your weapons away." She demanded. We consented to her command and did as she said. After all, Chief did put her in charge. We'd do anything to honor his last order. 

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