Chapter 6: We're Doing What?

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July 20, 2025; 1604 HRS

Underground Facility Outside of Jetstream City

"Noah, we have a serious problem." A female doctor walked up to him and showed him what was printed out onto the clipboard. After he looked through the data, he lifted his head to her. "Horkos did this? Oh my God." She sighed, "This pill will help delay the effects of the shot. It won't hold it out for long though. Maybe two weeks at most." Chief looked at the grey pill, another dizzy spell taking over his mind. 

August 2, 2025; 1345 HRS 

Medical Sector of Underground Facility

Waking with a jolt, I gasped for air. What sounded like a heart monitor was beeping like crazy. "Rocket, easy." Said the familiar voice of Syth. "Where are we?" I asked, looking at white, chalk-like walls and steel rods. "It's an underground facility." Syth answered, a smile stretching widely across her face. "Why here, why not the hospital?" I questioned. "Chief requested it. He said it's where Plan B's going to take action as soon as you wake up."

"How long have I been out?" I asked, rubbing my fingers against my head.

"Hmm. About 2 weeks... Glad your back in the real world."

"It doesn't feel like the real world. Geez, two weeks. Is Chief okay?"

"Fit as a fiddle for now. The doctors still have no idea what Horkos shot him with, but you were hit with a very strong stunning gun."

"So, what next?"

"Chief said that when you wake up to take you to the Main Room."

I got up and started to follow Syth out the room. "What happened after I blacked out?"

"Horkos went to his ship, hasn't left it since. We carried you to my car and drove here. He has perimeters around the city, taking hostage everybody in the city that stayed."

I nodded and looked around us. Calcium carbonate walls, industrial strength steel rods and 75 watt, florescent tube lighting. Simple as heck, yet it had complexity in the structure, and so did Syth's answer.


Main Room of Underground Facility

Following Syth into a small chamber, I noticed Chief Barnes' face lit by the bright tubes, the wires connected hung loosely like cobwebs along the ceiling. "Chief, are you okay?" I asked him. He nodded his head, stretching out a little "Never better. A little sore though, that's not big news anyway, I'm old." He laughed. His face turned to an impressed expression "I see the stun wore off sooner than we thought." He stated. "Well how long did you think I'd be out, a month?" I asked, turning my head towards Syth. She cringed a bit at my joke and made a small, fake laugh. I faced forward, looking at reality, realizing they actually thought so.

"So. What now?" I asked, pulling out a chair and sitting down. Syth did the same to the chair left of me. "We wait for Thomas to get his tail down here." She answered.

"What's he doing?"

"From what I can tell out of those stomps, I'd say he's coming down right now." Syth and I turned around and looked at the hallway behind us. Sure enough, Thomas' heavy footsteps were pounding down the stairways and towards the chamber.

"Welcome back. I thought I told you not to get shot this time." Thomas said as he clambered into the chair at the right of me. "Thanks, and you did. I just have to learn how to control my temper." I told him, settling into my aluminum chair.

"That's one of your major downfalls Rocket. Anger." Chief said, pointing at me. "Well, what do you suppose I do? Take yoga or something?" I asked in a slightly frustrated tone. "Maybe, but that's not very much related to what I wanted to talk to you three about." Chief said getting up. "It's time I introduced to you three, Plan B."

 Plan A didn't work, time for Plan B. It was both exciting and dreadful.  "What's Plan B?" Syth asked, her eyes bugged out of their sockets. You could see the excitement just shot out of her. "What Plan B is really called is Project Chrysalis." Chief answered. Quizzical looks glazed on our faces. Chief stepped up to a small blue box on the wall and swiped at the screen. Taking a few steps back, he looked intently at it. "Welcome. Computer System 9-32 serviceable. What is your code of choice?" the computer said in a gentle, female tone.

"Hello Margaret. My code of choice is Bhutan Glory." Chief said into the microphone.

"Code acknowledged. Please step up for retina scan."

Chief stepped up to the box's screen and scanning rays shuffled over his left eye.

"Retina scan completed. Room scan will take effect in one minute." The box showed the countdown until the room scan.

"Room scan?" Thomas asked. "Yes Tom, room scan. It's to make sure there are no people here who shouldn't be here." Chief answered.

"5...4...3...2...1...Room scan completed. Three unknown organic forms detected. Chief Noah Barnes, identify or disintegration will take place in five minutes."

Syth's eyes bugged out again, this time not out of excitement. Chief unhurriedly typed into his wirelessly connected keyboard. "How secure does this place get?" I asked, surprised.

"Organic forms identified. Not threats to Project Chrysalis. Would you like to enter the file?"

"Yes Margaret, thank you." Chief said to the computer "Could you project the screen as well?"

A blue grid scanned its way around the room and set up coordinates for the projected file. Once the computer was done, the projection showed thoroughly. A serum showed with its name and description lined by it. Four figures were laid out and labeled as test subjects. It didn't seem completed. "Chief, why doesn't it look completed?" Syth asked. "That's because we've never had anyone to test it on humans, we know what it does to mice though. And let's just say nothing good will come out of it if they ever escape the lab." Chief Barnes answered.

I read the description of the serum. "Chief, you're serious about this," I questioned ", because, this is awesome!" Chief Barnes nodded his head, "I thought you'd take a liking to this Rocket." I smiled, staring at the scientific model of pure, breathtaking genius for a super-serum.


So... yeah. Super-serum. 


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