Chapter 12: From Chief

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August 11, 2025; 1928 HRS

Training Hall

Throughout the week Athena had helped us with our concentration. I managed to keep my thoughts off Chief and focus on my task at hand. Control. 

It took a few days, but I can finally keep it under the radar. Athena brought in one of the students from a nearby college they've been housing since the terrorist attack from Horkos. His name was Vladimir Adams. She thought we were ready to test how well we could hide our powers in front of someone who didn't even know they existed. He thought he was just getting to meet some police officers, technically he was, as he was training in psychology for a position in the police force. Vlad, he liked his name shortened like that, was a few years older than all four of us. He seemed vague, except for a kind glimmer expressed in his eyes. 

Afterwards, we trained, a lot. "A good army trains and maintains their focus." Athena said. We had to train hard every day. We were a super hero team now. This team was only as strong as their weakest link and so far, my concentration kept as back the most. I was going to end up getting someone hurt. 


Athena stepped inside, wheeling a cart filled with four boxes behind her. "What are those?" Syth asked. Athena walked to the table and began to set the boxes on it. "Chief wanted me to give you these. I have a note too." She announced and started to read it out loud. 

"To Syth, Thomas, Natasha, and Ben.                                                                                August 3, 2025

The past few days have been getting harder and crazier. I've been wanting to tell you four but I couldn't bring myself to tell you that you're going to lose me. I don't know when this letter will get to you, but I'm afraid you already have lost me by then. When Horkos shot me, he did it with the Cerebral Reaction, a mind controlling weapon using Omnesium and other agents. It's a weapon of my own design. Unfortunately, I won't be the same next time you see me. Horkos will stop at nothing until he gets what he wants, total control. I need you to be the benefactors to this city and save the people from his rampage. Take a look at the boxes, I think you'll like what I had made for you guys."


I looked at Athena. She nodded and I immediately started to dig into the boxes, trying to hide that the note hurt me inside. The first box I dug into, the first thing I saw was a scarlet red helmet that looked like something from Star Wars. With it, was a note, so I read it to the group. 


You're the most level officer I've ever met. We weren't sure if the Omnesium would be enough to armor your nerves, so I got this for you." 

Thomas pulled out the rest of the suit while I read on. He took out what I assumed was a jet pack and full on body armor. 

"Even though the pack looks like a jet pack, I can assure you it's not. It contains any weapon you store in there. Just use the controls located under an armor plate on the left arm of the suit to pick which objects come out of the 'propulsion jets'. Take a look in your helmet, it might help with your aim. 


"I'm trying this on." Thomas said happily and backed into the open area around us to slip the armor on I opened up the second box, inside was a khaki kimono with a black sash. Pictures of fire and snow were sewn on it. "Hey Syth, check this out." I pulled it out and gave it to her. Underneath the dress was a board, sort of like a surfboard, but smaller, with a note attached. I detached the note and began to read. 

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