Chapter 14: What's With The Omega?

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August 12, 2025; 0923 HRS

Mishawaka, Indiana

I gazed intently at the branded Omega sign in their necks. "Ben. Look at their necks." I whispered. "You know I'm not a vampire, right?" He asked me quietly. I rolled my eyes at him. "Look." I told him again. This time, he did. "Okay, I'm guessing you're talking about that Omega sign?" I nodded. "What about it?" he asked. 

"Remember when I went to the Court Hearing, about a month ago?" I asked him. He nodded for me to continue. "The three guys that had attempted to rob the bank in June, the three of them had Omega signs on their necks." I looked back to the group. "Nice memory. I guess that's because they shot you in the same arm twice, though" he said after a moment or two. I gave him a light punch and turned back to Syth and Thomas

"Got any ideas?" I asked him. "Well..." he paused. "Now that I have teleportation, my stealth has improved." I turned to look at him. "I wouldn't risk it. But, I risked bringing all of you back here. Do what you want." Ben sighed and turned back to the Omega squadron. Just then, a man burst through the door behind us.  We were hidden so he couldn't see us. He ran to the group. "Sir!" He saluted to the tallest member. As soon as the salute was returned, he continued. "The safe house as been compromised. I heard as much as I could. They claimed this was their old house, sir" The man who appeared to be in charge spoke "Lieutenant Brown, we already have them apprehended." He gestured to Syth and Thomas behind him. "Colonel Link, sir," Lieutenant Brown began. "There's two others. Appearing to be siblings, sir." 

Colonel Link turned to Thomas. "Who and where are your friends, boy?" he questioned. Thomas glared at him angrily, but seemed almost too weak to respond. What did they do to them? "As soon as your girlfriend wakes up from the nitrous-oxide, son, we'll get answers." He continued, his face reddening with anger with each passing, silent second. The colonel stared down at Thomas. Out of nowhere, he punched him hard in the jaw. Few drops of blood sprayed through the air, but it wasn't Thomas', it was the colonel's. "Got a strong jaw there, son" He said, holding his hand. Blood dripped warily from it. 

"Sis, we have to do something now. I have a feeling this is going to end badly." Ben said. "I have an idea, but you have got to listen to me for once." He told me. I shrugged, keeping my eyes on Syth and Thomas. "I'll throw a few of my firecrackers. You use your super-speed to untie them without the guards knowing. I'll then throw my chain whip, starting a little fight. Don't attack Colonel Link, just help try to capture him. And 3... 2... 1...  GO!"

Ben grabbed a few firecrackers from his pocket, lit them, and threw it to the right of the guards. With the distraction in place, I sped over to Thomas and Syth to untie them. Everything was going super-slow for me, but in reality, I was going incredibly fast. Once I raced over to Syth, I saw she had been burning the rope lightly with a small flame, only pretending to be unconscious.  I turned my attention to Thomas as I remembered he was only half awake. I sped him over to the shelter of the old, battered pantry. The nitrous oxide had knocked him out pretty hard. 

"Let's do this." I heard Ben say, and glanced to him as he pulled out his kusarigama. I darted over to Syth and Ben to help them out. Syth was busy fighting off two of them, trying to use her icy blasts to freeze them. I grabbed the rope and tied one of the guards onto the chairs. I punched him in the head using the super-speed. Ben went after Colonel Link, entrapping him with the kusarigama. He backed the Colonel to the wall, pressing a hidden blade to his throat. He faltered and it gave the Colonel the opportunity to get out of Ben's grasp. Angrily, he tried to throw a left hook at my brother. Recognizing the potential danger, I sped to him and knocked him out cold. "Don't mess with my brother!" I spat at him. Colonel Link only moaned in response. "Ben, get him to the base. Put him on lock down." Ben nodded and teleported back from whence we came, bringing Colonel Link with him. 

The fighting had died down. Syth caught two men in ice prisons, two were sprawled on the floor, and Colonel Link was in Ben's hands. "Syth, how did that nitrous oxide not affect you?" I asked, confusion written in my voice. She smiled, happy to brief me with a science lesson."N2O decomposes exothermically into nitrogen and oxygen when it reaches as high as 1,070 degress Fahrenheit."  

Looking around, I noticed something. The man that went by Lieutenant Brown wasn't here. Computers had lined the walls of the garage. I looked through one of them. "Whatever was stored on these computers must've been deleted. That Brown character dissappeared along with all the data... The thumb drive's been opened. He had to have been in too much of a hurry to close it." I hypothesized. Syth shook her head in agreement. "Look here," she started, pointing to the computer. A folder labeled "Crypt" was the only thing left. She clicked it open and all that showed was a document named "You'll never find anything." She clicked that open and immediately the computer frizzed out. Along with all the computers there. "Frick!" I shouted, kicking the towers. It was a code to kill all the computers, they could've had something valuable on them. I realized, frustration crawling over me. Thomas groaned behind us, his eyes dancing dizzily as he looked around. "I'm back." I heard Ben's voice and I turned around. "Athena is in interrogating Link. She told me to tell you to "Get back to your actual time period." 

I sighed, "Let's go. Ben, help Thomas out."


August 12, 2025; 1740 HRS

Crypt HQ; Appalachian Mountains

Horkos prowled through his room angrily, he couldn't sleep. He was too excited for the day he had planned. But, he knew he had to find a way to sleep so he'd be well rested for it. For then, he was finally going to free his brothers and sistesr from their bonds. Soon, he knew he had to get a message to his brothers and sisters around the globe. There was a plan, a plan even he couldn't thwart with. 

A thoughtcame across his mind, stopped his pace, and looked to the door. "I might as well go to Chiron." he told himself. Horkos stepped out of his room and walked through the murky halls. The stalactite grew ever more sturdier along the ceilings and floors of their subterranean hideout. "I must get someone to break these down. I wouldn't want them to be in the way of our guests." He said, looking around him.  

A young messenger was walking down the hall, "You, boy." Horkos shouted. The boy looked up from the ground he was staring at, startled to see his Ruler, Horkos. "Yes, sir?" He stuttered. "Go fetch a group of the miners, bring them here and tell them to start clearing these things." Horkos ordered. The messenger nodded, folding his hands as a sign of respect and bowed. The boy then quickly walked to the miners. Horkos continued his path to Chiron. Soon, he knocked on the doors that led to Chiron's personal laboratory. "What is it?" Chiron asked through the door.

"I've come to check on our latest friend." Horkos said, opening the door. Chiron looked up from his table. "It's time you got a check-up, anyway." he said, fiddling with a syringe. Chief caged in a cell. Laboratory equipment stacked to and fro inside it. Noah worked mindlessly on Horkos' antidote.

>>>HEY WATTPAD LOVERS, WRITERS, AND READERS! It's not bad. Could be better, not sure how though. Please, as my readers, give me some feedback.<<<



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