Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

"I...I don't know what your talking about..." she said, stepping backwards. A flash of pain crossed over his face.

"'ll remember eventually. I mean, it's been so long...but you're with me now." Gerard said, and smiled. It were almost as if he was convincing himself, as well as her.

"Um...okay...I guess so." Willow said, and smiled back at him a little. To be honest, she was scared. How scared, though, you'd never know from looking at her, but internally, there were millions of alarms going off.

"Can...can I go out of my room?" she asked, struggling on the word 'my'.

"Yes! Of course you can." Gerard laughed.

It's scary how much he trusts me...maybe he thinks I'm someone else.

"Okay..." she said, and walked past him out into the hallway, where he followed close behind.

"Oh! Here, I'll show you to the kitchen first!" he said, suddenly, grabbing her hand and pulling her down some halls, eventually to the kitchen. It was beautiful. Tile covered the floor, hanging on the wall was what looked like redwood cupboards, and pretty, pale red curtains. A table sat off to the side with two matching chairs. The walls were a pale tan-cream color, and several picture frames hanging on the walls, but they were all empty. There were several small flower pots that sat on the windowsill, with tiny plants sprouting up from the dark brown dirt that had obviously just been watered.

"What do you think? I'll show you the rest of the house later." Gerard smiled.

"I...I like the red." she admitted.

"It's your favorite color!" he laughed, as if it were obvious.

" is." she said, forcing a laugh. How she wasn't that surprised he knew that set off a few more alarms.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked.

"Um...what do we have?"

We... I'm going to be sick.

"Lot of stuff! Pancakes?" he asked.

"Sure." she smiled. He smiled back, and turned to the stove. She took her phone out of her pocket and saw she had several missed calls and texts.

I'm glad I keep my phone muted.

She glanced back up at Gerard. He had his back turned to her.

Will he take it from me? Probably... That's what happens in all the fan fictions I read online where the band member kidnaps the main character - what the heck am I doing? Relying on books? Apparently so -

"What are you doing?" she looked up to see Gerard staring at her phone as if it were about to blow up and kill them both.

"Um...just seeing what time it was." she said, slowly putting it back into her pocket.

"Oh...yeah, I need a clock in here." he laughed, but still looked uneasy. "C...could I hold onto your phone?"

"Why?" she asked. A few more alarms.

" may accidentally tell someone where we are, and they'll come and take you from me again." he said, taking a step towards me.

"Um...I...can I just t...tell my mom I'm okay, so she's not worried? Please?" she asked, he stared at her for a moment, pondering over what she'd just said.

"Yes." he said, and walked over to her. She dialed her moms phone number, and waited for her to pick up.

"Willow! Where are you - ?"

"Mom...I - I'm okay. I'm fine don't worry about me okay? Everything is okay, I promise." she said, trying to calm her down.

"Hang up, now." Gerard said, and she frowned.

"I have to go now...I love you. Bye." she said then hung up, and she roughly handed him the phone. He put it in his pocket, avoiding looking at her for a moment.

"A...are you okay?" Gerard asked her, looking into her eyes. He looked almost as sad as she felt.

"Yeah I just...just miss my mom." she said.

"Oh...I'm sorry..." he said, looking at the floor.

You're the reason I miss her!

"'s o...okay, I guess..." she said, and he looked up at her again. There was no way she felt sorry for him, though. They stared at each other for a moment, then he reached forward and carefully took her hand in his. She felt sick again.

"I'll make us pancakes then we can go watch a movie or go out to the garden...which would you rather do?" he asked, walking back over to the stove.

"Um...see the garden...?" she said.

"Okay!" he smiled, staring over his shoulder at her and she smiled back at him.

I need to get out of here...

Kidnap? I Prefer The Term 'Surprise Adoption' (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now