Chapter Five

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Chapter Five:

    "Here." Willow opened her eyes to see Gerard holding out a cup of water. She took it, and took a sip.

"My head hurts..." she said, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Here...take these. They'll help.." he said, and she opened her eyes to see him holding out two blue pills. She frowned. "What's wrong?"

"What is that?" she asked, and he looked confused.

"I - I don't know...some kind of painkiller." he said, staring at her as if she were crazy.

"I only take certain kinds of painkillers." she told him.

"You - what? But you need them!" he said.

"I don't know what those are. And I don't like pills anyway." she told him, narrowing her eyebrows.

"So, you never take pain medicine?" he asked, sounding a little angry.


"Only a specific kind." she repeated, shaking her head.

"Fine." he said, running his hand through his hair.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"'ve changed. A lot. You were never quiet, and didn't stutter, and now you are! You were never like this before..." he said, pacing, frustrated. Then he stopped and turned to her. " it me?"

"W...what?" she asked, sitting up.

"Is. It. Me. Do you not like me anymore? It's only been two years! How could you forget me!? What's wrong with me? What did I do? What's wrong with me..." he said, yelling at first, then a blank expression appeared on his face, and he quickly left the room.

This is, like, some god damn soap opera. Ridiculous.

She stared at the doorway where he disappeared, then thought over what he'd said.

Two years ago...what happened two years ago...

She thought for a few moments, then remembered something. She'd moved from New Jersey two years ago. She never liked anyone, though, and nobody really liked her either. Except Avril, she was her only best friend. She never talked to anyone else.

She wasn't one of those popular girls who knew, and talked, to everyone. She the opposite. She never liked attention brought to herself, and she was socially awkward. She didn't dress like most girls either. She was the one everyone ignored, most of the time. Her other school hadn't been very big, either, so it wasn't easy to miss someone. So she'd been an easy target, just like the other kids who'd been bullied.

Then, she remembered.

"Hey! Hollison!" she turned around to see Talia and her boyfriend, James.

"What?" she asked quietly.

"Speak up! I can't hear you. Your hideous outfit doesn't help, either." she laughed.

"Could you at least be more creative?" Willow said, loudly. "I mean, you basically say that to everyone."

"What? I still can't hear you. Why don't you just never speak again? C'mon James, lets go pick on the new kid. He's fresh." she smiled and shoved her out of the way, and James kicked her, or attemped to. It didn't even hurt that bad.

She sighed and stood up, glaring after them.

New kid? she thought, shaking her head. They would really do that?

She walked down the hall, then, get shoved into someone, and they both fell. The other person tried to stop her from falling, but fails, and she landed on their arm.

"I'm so sorry...I didn't meant to..." she said, standing up, and looked up to see a boy with black messy hair.

"It's fine..." he said, and Willow ignored her hair falling into her face. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm used to it." she said, and looked down at her watch. "I gotta get to class..."

"Oh...I'll see you around then?" he asked, and she nodded.

"I'm Willow. Willow Hollison." she told him.

"Gerard Way."

"Gerard..." Willow murmured his name again, glancing back up at the doorway. Still bitter, less sour.

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