Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen:

{Gerard's P.O.V}

He walked out of her room and out to the living room, to see Frank sitting on the couch.

"Did you make reservations or whatever?" he asked.

"Yeah, I have all that still need to get someone though..." Gerard said, and he smirked.

"Whatever...I'll be back tomorrow." he said, smiled and got up.

"Take your time." he said, and he nodded.

"I'm not just gonna get some random girl...I've gotta get a special one." Frank said, and walked out of the house.

{Isabella Nester's P.O.V}

     She walked down the street, and into a pharmacy store. She had to get some stuff for her dad, because her brother was lazy and wouldn't do it.

Isabella walked down the medication isle, and picked up a bottle of pain killers. She was looking at the label, then she saw something out of the corner of her eye. She turned to see a guy dressed in mostly black with eyeliner on. She smiled a little at him, and he smirked back.

She looked back down at the pill bottle, and took it to a cash register. She checked out, then walked out and went back to her apartment. Her converse thumping on the sidewalk was the only thing she could hear. She thought she heard someone behind her, so she turned around, but no one was there.

I thought...never mind...

She pushed her short, dark brown hair out of her face, adjusted her dark blue jacket, and kept walking. She finally got to her apartment complex and went up to her dads room, to find him sitting in his chair.

"I got your medicine." she said, and gave him the bottle.

"Thanks." he grunted.

"I'm gonna go back to my room now...bye."she said to him.

"Okay." he said, and she sighed, then went out to the hallway. She got out her keys, and started to unlock her door, but stopped as someone pulled her backwards. They put their hand over her mouth as she screamed, then walked her to a car. Before they got her to the car, she stomped on their foot, and elbowed them, but they don't let go.

Damn it...

"Shut up." a guy hissed as he shoved her in the backseat and shut the door. He got in the drivers seat. Then, she saw it was the guy from the pharmacy.

"What do you want with me?" she asked, glaring at him.

"Just shut up." he said. She really wanted to hit him, but she didn't want to crash and die.

"Why are you taking me?  Why not some rich--?" she started, but he slammed on the breaks and cut her off.

"I said shut up! You'd better listen to me!" he yelled, and she nodded, scared. He turned back around and drove.

Yeah right, I'm gonna kick your ass and get as far away from you as I can...

They stopped at a small, run down house and got out. They went in, and he took her to a bedroom, shoved her in, and locked the door. There weren't any windows in it, just a bed and a empty dresser. She laid on the bed and tried to sleep.

I'll need it to get out...

{Willow's P.O.V}

     "Wake up!" Gerard said, peeking into the bedroom, then he disappeared. She got up and went out to the kitchen to find him packing up stuff.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Packing..." he said, not looking at her.

"For what?" ahe asked.

"Our special date." he smiled.

"A date..." she muttered.

"Yep, and it's time to go!" he said, and rushed her out to his car. Gerard drove, not saying anything. He drove for a long time, then stopped. It was the beach.

"This is the special plan?" Willow asked, and he smirked.

"Not all of it, yet." Gerard smiled, and they got out. They ate, then went walking along the beach.

"The sun is setting..." she said, and they stopped walking. She stared at the sunset.

"Willow Hollison..."

Wait, what? She looked down to see Gerard on one knee, holding a box.

"Will you marry me?"

I can't say no...holy shit, I'm so--


I'm so screwed...

He smiled, and put the engagement ring on her finger then hugged her, and she hugged back.

"When are we getting--?" she started but he answered before she could finish.


Yep. Screwed...

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