Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen:

{Still Frank's P.O.V}

He shut his car door, and walked into Gerard's house.

"Gerard?" he called out, and he walked out of his room.

"Hey Frank, what's up?" he asked happily. "I was just hiding the r--"

"Yeah, I know. I just heard that Willow's mom is gonna tell the cops to ambush you when you go get Willow on Friday." he told him, and his eyes went wide, then he narrowed them.

"How did you find that out?"

"I snuck into her house and heard her tell her friend...only because I knew her mom would do something like that." Frank stated.

"Oh...thanks, Frank. I'm glad I have you as a only friend." he smiled.

Keep telling yourself that...

"So...I'm guessing you have a plan of your own?" Frank asked as he walked towards the kitchen, and he paused and turned to look back at him.

He smiled. "Of course I do, Frank."

{Willow's P.O.V}

Christina arrived after they ate diner, and they went in her room.

"So...he went to your old school?" she asked.

"Yeah, and to be honest, we really didn't get to know each other...just briefly." Willow sighed.

"Oh. Does he have any family?" she asked.

"He has a brother named Mikey, and his parents. But he says they disowned him..." Willow said, looking out the window.

"And you doubt that?" she asked, and she nodded.

"Yeah. Mikey wouldn't have disowned him, he loved Gerard." she stated. "When he wasn't in class, or talking to me, he'd be with, or looking for, Gerard."

"You and Mikey were friends?" Christina asked.

"Yeah...we were both kind of shy, but we opened each other up a lot. But we had some classes together, that's basically how we met." she explained.

"Maybe you could find him and ask him about Gerard!" Christina smiled.

"W--I doubt he'd remember me...and how in the world do I find him?" she asked, looking at her questioningly.

"Well...I kind if, sort of could peek into his schools systems and find their parents number...?" she smiled, holding up her bag.

"You have your laptop? Were you planning this...?" Willow asked.

"No, I'm spending the night, and I bring my laptop everywhere!" she laughed, getting it out. She plugged it into the wall and turned it on.

"Do you hack into stuff a lot?" she asked, and Christa shook her head.

"I like to call it 'secretly sneaking'. Hacking sounds too illegal." she shrugged.

"Well, it is." Willow laughed.

"Not's not like I change stuff or get secret information. I just do it to find out what people are like and stuff."

"Oh...well, you defiantly don't look like a h-- a secret sneaker." she laughed, and so did Christa.

"Thanks!" she said. "Got it!"

She wrote down their number on a sticky note, and gave it to me, then exited the school system.

"I'm gonna see if I can find anything on Gerard. You said his last names Way, right?" she asked.

"Yeah. I'll go call Mikey." Wilow said and she nodded. She picked up her phone and stared at it.

What if he doesn't remember me? What if he hangs up on me? Oh well...

"Hello?" she heard a woman's voice.

"Um...hi. May I please speak with Mikey?" she asked.

"May I ask who this is...?"

"''s Willow..." there was a long pause. "I--is something wrong?"

"No, no! I'll go get him for you, dear." she said and she waited a few moments.

"Uhh...hello? Who is this?"

"Hi...Mikey it's me, Willow..." she said, biting her lip.

"Willow! How are you? Where do you live now?" he asked, and she let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm good, I live in Pennsylvania now." she said. "How are you?"

"Oh wow, so we're neighbors! I'm...good."

"Distant neighbors." she laughed. "How old are you now?"

"Seventeen. So you'd be...eighteen?" he asked.

"Yeah." she said. "I called to ask you some stuff..."

"Math stuff? You never were good at that." Mikey laughed.

"Oh, pshh, thanks!" she laughed too. "No, not's about Gerard..."

"W...why?" he asked.

"Well...he...he sort of kidnapped me..." she said.

"You know where he is?" he practically yelled.

"Well, no...he knows where I am, though. He...he thinks we were dating and some people took me away from him..." she told him, and Mikey sighed.

"Yeah...he started going mental just before you left, then after you left he disappeared...wait--does he have you now?"

"No, he's letting me stay with my mom for now, and he says he's coming to get me in two days." she said.

"Okay...I'll come over tomorrow. Can I have your address?" he said, and she gave it to him.

"Yeah - wait, you can't drive...?" she said.

"Well, duh. You remember Raymond, right?" he asked.


"Toro? Ray Toro."

"Ohh, yeah. Afro-man!" she said.

"Afro-man?" Mikey asked, laughing.

"Uh...yeah, me and Avril used to call him that." she laughed.

"Oh.'ll be a reunion!" he said, then she gave him her address. "I have to go, my dad wants to use the phone. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Okay, don't electrocute yourself, Mikes!" she said, and he laughed.


"Bye!" Willow said, and hung up.

"Well...I know they didn't disowned him. He just believes they did. He said he started going mental before I left, and when I did leave, he disappeared. Oh, Mikey and his friend are coming over tomorrow." she told Christina, and she turned and looked at her.

"Are they cute?" she raised an eyebrow, and Willow laughed.

"If that counts a socially awkward seventeen year old and a guy with a massive 'fro, then yes."

"Hmmm...I think I'll go with the 'fro." they laughed. "But I'll wait 'til tomorrow to be sure."

"Well, we'd better get to sleep." she say and Christa nodded. They told mom goodnight, got ready for bed, then got in bed and went to sleep.

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