Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen:

She sat in the car as Gerard navigated his way to her house. It was nine-thirty-four, and her mom would probably be at work, unless she hadn't been going.

"Is your mom home?" he asked as he turned onto her road.

"She's usually at work, but I doubt it now. She's probably worried about me." she said, glancing at him. But he's looking at the road.

"Yeah..." he nodded. "If we had a daughter and she went missing, I'm sure we'd be the same way."

What the hell?

"Yeah..." she agreed, staring at the road. Then, she saw her house, and smiled. He turned into the driveway and they both got out.

"Your walking in with me?" she asked, and he laughed, handing her phone to her.

"No, your mom wouldn't want to see me. I gotta go now..." he said, moving closer to her. Then, he kissed her. It didn't last more that two seconds, but a few seconds later she began to feel sick.

"I'll see you soon, bye, Willow." he said, smiling at her, and got back in his car and drove off. She stared after the car for a second.

I...think I actually enjoyed that--ah, what the heck is wrong with me! No. I couldn't have...

Willow shook her head, then ran up into her house. She went from the living room, to the kitchen, then to her moms room to find her lying on her bed.

"Mom..." she said, and she looked up. Her bloodshot eyes widened and she ran over to her and hugs her. She hugged her back and sighed.

"Homey--I've been so worried..." she said, sounding on the verge of tears, then she held her at arms length. "Your not hurt are you? Did he do anything to you?"

"No, I'm okay. He didn't do anything..."she trailed off as she remembered Frank hitting her on the head. Her mom notices and her eyes widened again.

"What happened?" she demanded.

"I tried to get away and his friend knocked me out with a baseball bat." she said, and she gasped. "I think I broke his nose after I woke up."

"That's good.." she nodded. "Well, I'll go make us supper."

"Okay." she nodded, not wanting to tell her she already ate. She walked down the hall to her room, and shut her door, then, opened it after she hear a loud noise from the guest bedroom, and stared out at the door.

What was that? Ah, probably the cat...

She opened the door, then went back into her room. She took out her phone and called Avril.

She's probably been worried...


"Hey, Avril, it's m--"

"OH MY GOSH ARE YOU OKAY?!" she practically yelled.

"Yes...well, I think I'm gonna go deaf now but--"


"He left me at my moms house, he said he's coming back for me in two days..." she told her, sitting cross-legged on her bed.

"But your going to call the cops, right?"

"Yeah, I'll tell them to come wait at my house until he gets there."

"Ooh! That sounds like a good plan!"

"Yeah... I gotta go now. I'll talk to you later..okay?"

"Yeah! Bye!"

"Bye." she said, then hang up.

I wish she lived closer...

She sighed, then dialed Christina's number.

"Willow! Are you okay?"

"Yeah, he's letting me stay at my moms for three days, then he's going to come get me in two he thinks."

"Sounds like you have a plan?"

"Yep! I'm going to have the police here waiting for him!" she smiled.

"Oooh! Brilliant! Okay, give me your address I want to see you!" she said, and Willow laughed.

"It's 703 on Berryton Drive. There's a old red truck in the driveway, ya can't miss it."

"I bet you my mom can--ow!"

"Haha! Okay, I'll see you soon I guess!"

"Alrighty!" she said and hung up. Willow put her phone on her nightstand, and went out in the kitchen.

{Frank's P.O.V}

He fell over a lamp after he'd crawled through the window. Really, why leave a lamp on the floor? He froze as the door opened, but no one came in.

Calm's only her right? And her mom...but you could beat them up!

No you can't, shorty!

Shut up brain...I may be short, but I'm strong!

Damn it...I'm going insane like Gerard...

He shook his head and walked over to the door, he saw the girl in her room sitting on her bed talking on the phone. But he can't make out what she's saying. A few minutes later she walked out to the kitchen and started talking to her mom.

"So, he says he's coming back to get me..."

He heard something fall. Pff!

"But I was thinking we could have the cops come and wait for him the day he's planning to take me again."

Ohh...someone thinks she's smart, doesn't she?

"That's a great idea! When?"

"In two days."

Frank laughed quietly to himself, and made his way out the bedroom window.

Now, I have to tell Gerard...but I need to make it sound like its her mom that's planning her trap. It'll ruin everything if he knew Willow has actually been acting this whole time. Frank got in his car and drove to Gerard's, drumming his thumbs on the steering wheel and smirking the whole way.

Kidnap? I Prefer The Term 'Surprise Adoption' (Book One)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora