Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight:

     "Wake up! I made breakfast!" Willow woke up to Gerard's voice and him basically pulling her out of bed.

Someone had too much coffee...he literally smells like he bathed in it.

"Um...I can walk." she said as he dragged her down the hall, to the kitchen. "He's back?"

She shot a questioning glance at Gerard, as she heard footsteps.

"For a little...he'll be back later." Gerard said, and smiled to himself.

"Great..." she said, and sat down in a chair.

"Good morning!'re here." Frank glared at her, and she decided to greet him with equal respect: none.

"Yeah, why, did you forget to bring your bat this time?" she glared back at him.

"Whatever..." Frank mumbled, and slumped against the door frame.

"Here. We are going out today." Gerard said, giving her a plate of food. I looked up at him.

"You two?" she asked.

"No. All of us." Frank said, smiling.

"Where are we going?" ignoring him, she asked, and Gerard smiled gleefully.

"A surprise!" he said.

"Oh..." she muttered, then ate the food on the plate. Gerard gave Frank some, and he ate too. When they were done, they put the dishes in the empty sink, and Gerard basically dragged her out the door and into Franks car.

They drove for a long time, at least three hours, stopping every now and then for food or bathroom breaks. They never let her leave their sight, Gerard even stood outside her bathroom stall, and when Frank watched her, she felt like a defenseless rabbit against a hawk. He scared her, and she hated it.

They rode in the car for thirty minutes after their last stop, and she noticed Gerard was getting impatient. Then, finally, the car stopped, and Willow had no idea where they were.

"Get out! Come on!" Gerard said, quickly getting out of the back seat with her, and turned around and held his hand out to her. She took it and he pulled her out of the car, and onto the sidewalk. She noticed Frank had stayed in the car.

Thank God...

They walked down the sidewalk, him still holding onto her hand.

Why is he so happy...? It's kind of scary...

Then they stopped, way out of view of Frank. Willow looked around, and saw a faintly familiar scenery. It was the bus stop for her old school. She narrowed her eyes, and looked around more.

Wait, we're in Hawthorne? What?!

"Do you recognize it?" Gerard asked.

"Yes! It's the bus stop from my other school!" she said, laughing a little. His face lit up.

"And...?!" he asked, looking like a five year old about to open a huge present. She thought harder.

Did something happen here...?

Then it hit her.

"It's where you help - " she started, but he cut her short.

"Where I asked you out!" he smiled.

Kidnap? I Prefer The Term 'Surprise Adoption' (Book One)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora