Chapter 4

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"Waaah!!" Mikasa cried before shoving me to the side, standing up, kicking my side, and running off. I continued to lie on the floor, staring up at the faces peering down at me. I was so in shock, and it all happened so fast, so I didn't even know what to do but continue lying on the floor.

"What the hell did you do?" a girl I recognized as Sasha said, giving me strange looks. "That wasn't on purpose, right? I mean...didn't look like it."

"I wouldn't do something like that on purpose," I sighed. Slowly, I stood from the floor and brushed off the dirt that likely got on the costume after the fall. The memory of the accident replayed in my head, and my face felt hot. Trying not to cause my heart to race any faster than it already was, I started to think about other things to calm me down. It was nearly impossible.

"You look troubled and your face is red," Sasha pointed out bluntly before taking a bite of a chip. "You should eat some food and chill out. She'll get over it eventually, so your health won't be in jeopardy for long."

"She doesn't seem like the kind of person to get over something like that," I stated, unsure of whether I could trust Sasha's words. I didn't know her very well, and I hadn't had more than a conversation or two with her ever since I first came to the school. Apparently, she and Connie were known as the "Spies of Maple High" and were in charge of things related to...well, spying.

"Yours was an accident, so it should be quick," Sasha continued. "The last time someone planted their lips on hers was not an accident and after she slapped them across the face, she didn't take long to get over it." Another chip went in her mouth. Everyone that was previously staring at the situation walked away, giggling or internally screaming.

"Eh? That happened before?"

"Last year. While Mikasa only slapped the kid, the leader didn't deal with it so kindly." Sasha sighed, remembering the event that occurred in the past. "That kid moved schools not too long after, actually. He says that it was already planned, but we all know there was no such plan before that happened."

"Sounds...troublesome?" I replied, not entirely sure of how I should answer that. She was freely telling me things that were probably embarrassing to Mikasa, and I wondered if she really should have been doing that.

"What's really troublesome is that the cops are coming," Sasha said irritably while checking her phone. "Connie was on watch at the end of the block, so we don't have much time. The punch was spiked, so stay here and you'll get in trouble."

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed, looking around at all the people who were having fun that were likely going to get busted any minute. "Where's Armin or Annie? And Mikasa?!"

"Connie texted the bigger members of the group, but Mikasa's probably locked in a closet and not paying attention to her phone. If you're going to be worried about anyone, it should be her," Sasha answered. "I'm...going to leave now." And with that, she ran off and left out of the slider door. There were only mere seconds left before the cops likely were going to show up and bust the party, so I ran to where I remembered the coat closet was. I had mistaken it for the bathroom earlier.

Luck must have been on my side since Mikasa was, as Sasha predicted, sitting in the closet with her head down and the phone sitting next to her. I knew that she wasn't one to get so upset over something, but she surely had some of that damn punch as well as was super embarrassed since the accident happened n public.

"The cops are here, Mikasa. We should leave," I said in a rush. She looked up to see who was speaking to her, and her face got really red when she saw it was me, so she hid her head in her legs again.

"They won't check the closet," she muttered. I heard the sound of doors being barged open as well as people screaming and scrambling about. Without a warning, I reached down and grabbed Mikasa's phone in one hand and her arm in the other.

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