Chapter 5

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Note: Don't be confused;this is going to be in Mikasa's POV

It was a bitter, December day about ten years ago when I received a gift at that frosty park. I had insisted on playing there because I was bored, and I didn't mind if it was cold. My mother told me that it was a stupid idea, but she liked my determination and allowed me to do so. She, however, stayed in the car and kept an eye on me.

I was a short, cute little girl when I was five almost six years old. My hair was long and usually put in a braid or ponytail, and I liked to wear things like skirts and dresses. Since it was cold that day, however, I wore warm pants, a warm shirt, a thick jacket, gloves, boots, and ear muffs. I did not wear anything to warm my neck, though. My hair was in a ponytail, so it was completely uncovered except for a small part of the coat that didn't help much.

My shivering body tried to enjoy the park like I believed I would, but I found it difficult. I envied the strange little boy that was also at the park and was playing. We didn't really talk to each other or anything and played on our own. I went on the swings for a bit, slid on the slide a couple of times, attempted the monkey bars with gloves on (and didn't succeed), and the few other things the playground at the park had to offer.

After getting off of the swings for a second time, I walked over to the main area of the playground and started shivering a lot. I knew that my mother would tell me to not be stupid and to come inside the car, warm up, and go home, but I wasn't ready to stop playing just yet. Even if I was alone, I was still, somehow, having fun. I wasn't going to let the cold defeat me so easily.

"Why are you shivering? You have a big jacket," the little boy said after walking up to me. He was wearing a black winter hat that was a bit too big for his head, a poofy navy blue jacket, and a pair of black winter boots as well as a soft, red scarf around his neck. He stared at me with his big, green eyes, but I was too busy admiring how he wasn't shivering like I was.

"Are you listening?!" he asked, waving a hand in front of my face, causing me to realize I was staring at him without answered.

"S-sorry," I answered shyly. "I'm cold because I don't have a super warm scarf like you, and I don't want to quit playing at the park."

"Oh," he answered. Without even thinking about it more, he took off his comfortable, red scarf and thrusted it my way. "I was getting too warm anyways."

"But then you'll get cold," I protested. "There is no point if you're going to get cold too."

"I'm trying to be nice. My mother says that you're supposed to always be nice to girls," he replied, beginning to wrap the heavenly warm piece of cloth around my neck without asking me for permission. I didn't mind because I did envy the fact that he had such warm clothes that I did not bring.

"Thank you," I said politely. "Do you want to play together?"

"Sure since it's more fun that way I guess."

We played for another half hour until I heard my mother's voice calling for me to come back to the car. Knowing that I had to go home, I said goodbye to the boy whose name I didn't know and ran off. Once I entered the car, my mom said,

"Who's scarf is that? Is that that boy's?"

"Yeah. He let me borrow it," I answered innocently.

"Shouldn't you give it back if you borrowed it?"

"Oh yeah! I'll go give it back!" Even if I said that, when I looked around the park, the boy was nowhere to be found. I wondered where he went, but I realized that there was another area for parking on the other side of the park. Running over there, I found that while there were tire tracks in the light layer of snow on the ground, the car was already gone. I never saw that boy again...well, I wouldn't have known if I ever ran into him again anyways.

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