Chapter 7

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I'd originally believed that Mikasa was in love with Jean and that I should attempt to get them together successfully, but the outcome of my plan was no such thing. In fact, it made me doubt my beliefs in the first place. I had only assumed Mikasa was referring to Jean when in reality I heard no such name other than "I love him" and the others stating that it was quite obvious. The thought of trying to get her together with someone, however, made my mood decrease and my chest pain a little bit.

The kiss on the cheek...I didn't know what to think of it. At school, Mikasa acted as if everything was the same, but she'd only avoid eye contact occasionally whenever there weren't others around. Since she acted as if it didn't mean a thing, I pretended to think the same. I, however, had been confused and in turmoil ever since. Just the thought of it made my heart race and my face feel hot, but I didn't understand.

Why was I feeling depressed that Mikasa was in love with someone and I didn't know who? Why did the thought that my plan didn't work actually make me a feel a little bit happy? Why did that kiss on the cheek make my thoughts and feelings erupt into chaos in the following week. Why was I...acting so strange?

The thoughts no longer mattered on a late November Friday when we were having our usual hangout after school. Usually, the group would all hang around in the back area behind the school; the administrators did not like it, but they'd rather us be on school grounds than somewhere that inconvenienced the general public. During this hangout, however, something a bit unexpected occurred. What? Well, it was something that we'd been expecting for a long time and were not surprised when it happened.

Daniel, Oak Valley's current delinquent group leader, showed up with a couple of guys behind him. They looked like tough guys, and I knew they were, too. After all, I'd been their leader for at least a month. They, however, were never fond of Daniel, so why they were hanging around him so closely then confused me. My mind was already all over the place with my own feelings towards Mikasa, and I didn't need to think more about such unnecessary things.

"Mikasa Ackerman," Daniel called out after approaching the group. Every single person glared at him with threatening looks, but he stared straight at Mikasa, trying not to show the fear that I knew was hidden beneath his façade. "I'd like to challenge you to a rematch. One that does not involve any one other than you and I." He shot me a look, but I simply kept the same expression I had on the entire time.

"Is that so?" she wondered. "Have you come to fight right here and right now?" She crossed her arms and gave him an intimidating stare, causing his façade to shake a little bit. He was starting to show his fear of her just a little. Of course, he didn't think she was strong back when he originally fought her, but something told me that he knew something different than he did before.

"Yes. I've always been curious to challenge that girl I'd seen back in middle school," Daniel started. It seemed like he was going to begin some weird monologue. "Her hair was often in a high ponytail, and it flew around as she hit her opponents ruthlessly. That, however, wasn't the important part of her appearance, yes?"

"I know where you're going with this," she stated coldly. "I don't like it, so I'd prefer you stop it right there."

"Ponytail?" someone from behind mumbled. "What does that have to do with anything? She didn't even fight back in middle school."

"Doesn't that kind of sound like....'her'?" another whispered. I already knew where this was going, also. He was referring to Mikasa's true identity as the "monster in the red scarf" from middle school. She put away that scarf and that past, and he was rudely digging it back up.

"The Monster in the Red Scarf," Daniel said quite loudly. The group behind all had mixed reactions and a collective group of whispering and mumbling rose throughout the area. The atmosphere was not as carefree as it was moments before. "Why don't you wear it anymore? It was really pretty, you know."

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