Chapter 8

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"We need to have a group meeting," Mikasa said, already having resolved to fix the situation by investigating it. "I'll look at each of their faces and spot the liar. Invite your smart friend; he may be helpful."

"You mean, Armin?" I questioned from the other end of the phone. Normally, she used his name, but she really wasn't fully alright after what happened. She probably thinks the peace of her group is threatened because of them, but something told me that it was a challenge from Oak Valley.

"Yes," she answered with a sigh. "I'm so...exhausted. It's a Saturday, so do you think they'll be okay with me calling a meeting?"

"It's only the afternoon, so maybe you should wait until later," I suggested. "Besides, Armin's hanging out with someone until after dinner. I already asked to hang out with him before I saw the news earlier."

"I see," she responded. "Alright, I'll wait until tonight. If there are some that are busy, I'll go visit them individually until I get to the bottom of this."

"That sounds tedious and time consuming."

"I know," she responded with a tone that showed she had little hope in herself anymore. I could already tell that she was feeling super guilty because of the whole thing. Had she not fought David, things might not have turned out the way they did; however, she fought him, and there was nothing that could be done about it.

Hearing her sound troubled made my heart throb, and I decided that I had some things I definitely needed to talk to her about. "Mikasa," I said after a little bit of silence between words. "Let's meet up somewhere. I have to talk to you about something."

"Huh?" she responded, sounding a little surprised and...happy. "Wh-what about?!"

"This situation," I replied bluntly. "I have some ideas as to what this could be. While they may be wrong, I have strong evidence that what happened had happened for a reason relating to me in a way."

"Did you...have something to do with this?" she questioned in a serious tone.

"Not exactly. You'll understand what I mean when we meet. Are you alright with that?"

"Of course. Let's speak at the school's grounds since we can hang around there in case someone shows up."

"While I doubt someone will, that's alright with me. Besides, I'd rather not speak at either of our houses or somewhere public."

"Good idea. See you soon."

"Yeah." I hung up the phone and slipped it into my pocket. Taking a deep breath, I walked into the kitchen where my mother was making herself a snack. She noticed the serious expression on my face and gave me a weird look.

"What's up with you?" she asked, sounding concerned. "Did you do something bad?!"

"No," I answered honestly. "I've got something to do, and I'll be taking my bike. See you later!" Quickly, I ran towards the door that lead to the garage and got a hold of my bike and booked it out of there before my mother could ever try to stop me and inquire any further.

Mikasa seemed to know a little bit about my past, but she probably did not know all of it. I needed to tell her the truth of it and my suspicion that my past had something to do with the event that took place Friday night. Was it all part of Daniel's plan?

"Eren!" Mikasa called out when she saw me approaching her. She was in the soccer fields where the group would sometimes hang out. She looked like she had been waiting for a little while, and I noticed that she, too, rode her bike, so it was clear that she arrived well before I since she lived closer.

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