Chapter 5.5

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Note: This is going to be the POV of just a "narrator" basically. There's not specific character whose thoughts are expressed or any such thing. I decided to do a short, not full chapter today because I felt like writing, but I didn't want to start on chapter 6 just yet. (I already have the plot for it ready, however). In this short chapter, it will highlight some events of Mikasa's mother's class reunion.

The tall, muscled woman in her late thirties approached the reserved restaurant that was meant to hold her twentieth class reunion. She hadn't attended any of the other reunions, but she thought she might as well for the twentieth to show those who didn't believe in her that she had become a better person. Well...somewhat.

Her hair was put up in a fancy updo that made her look more sophisticated than she really was. Her daughters grey sweater fit her just barely enough that it didn't look strange, and she wore the black pants that she typically wore for work. Luckily for her, her pale skin was smooth around this time of the year.

She approached the door to the restaurant and pulled it open with a bit too much force that it smacked against the pole that kept it from opening too far. She quickly regretted using too much of her strength, but everyone already knew how strong she was. In fact, that was all she was really known for other than being a troublemaker.

Everyone who was wandered the restaurant and having pleasant conversations with their former classmates turned their heads to the woman who just walked through the door. It didn't take them any longer than a single second to recognize her as that girl. And by that girl, they meant the big time delinquent at their school that half of the school feared and all of the teachers disliked. Her daughter truly was similar to her in many ways, but at least she wasn't hated as much as her mother.

" that Mari? It has to be...I mean, look at that scar," a voice whispered from the side. Geesh, they're awfully loud whisperers, she thought. (I didn't know what to name her really lol).

The woman ignored the comment of her former classmate and continued walking further inward until she could find someone that she was close enough to to have a discussion with. She stopped in the middle and scanned around, but abruptly turned around on instinct after feeling someone lightly tap her shoulder.

The woman who did so was startled by Mari's response, but she quickly relaxed when she saw Mari let her guard back down. "Ah, you're...Mari, right?" the woman wondered. She was one of those quiet, shy girls back in high school, and she still seemed to be the same even twenty years after graduating.

"Yeah," she answered bluntly. Her manners were a bit...questionable.

"You look so much older now," the woman continued. "Well, everyone else does too, but you look more...womanly?" She wasn't entirely sure where she was going with the conversation, but she had a purpose for it in the first place, of course.

"Thanks...I guess," Mari answered, not entirely sure how to take that comment. Was she saying that Mari didn't even seem like a woman twenty years ago and she's finally reached womanly status? No, she's probably right, Mari thought. I didn't really act girly at all. Even my daughter who's like me in so many ways seems like a proper girl.

"Ah! I actually wanted to thank you for the thing you did in high school. I don't mean the fighting for fun and stuff, but saved me from creepy guys a lot, and I was always too shy to say thank you back then," the woman explained with a smile, but she still seemed nervous.

"O-oh," Mari answered awkwardly. She didn't really know how to react with such a person. "That' problem at all, really."

"I see you have a wedding ring," the woman commented, already moving on to the next topic. She clearly wasn't ready to stop conversing. "When did you get married?"

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