Chapter 6

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I was glad that everything with Mikasa was done and dealt with. That awkward avoidance and all of that was solved, and she was speaking to me like normal; however, she got embarrassed often and referred to me as an "idiot."

On a usual weekday in November, I was walking through the school halls after the last class had been dismissed. Miss Ral had to speak with me about an assignment that I had not turned in, so I was there a bit late. As I was walking along the empty hallway, I started to hear faint, muffled voices from not too far away. The moment I took a step where the hall turned, I noticed Mikasa speaking with Annie and one of her non-delinquent friends, Christa. The moment I saw them, I hid along the wall and did not turn the corner.

"Wait, really?" Christa said with excitement. I wondered what they were speaking of but figured it really was none of my business. I had decided to walk away and leave school another way, but something stopped me.

"Yes. I believe I am in love with him," Mikasa said bluntly and with confidence. I stopped in my tracks and tip toed back to the edge of the wall and listened as close as I could get without being spotted.

"I'm not surprised," Annie stated with no excitement or enthusiasm like Christa had. "As long as he's been here, you've always had that sort of look around him."

"Eh? Is it that obvious?!" Mikasa exclaimed nervously. I definitely was hearing more than I should have been. She was spilling out her love for... Jean!

Mikasa was a great friend, and after accidentally hearing her secret, I knew I had to do something for her. I definitely had to somehow get them together because Jean clearly felt a little something for her, and that little something could be turned into mutual love. But...why did I feel so...down and disappointed?

And because I had the notion that I should be the one to assist Mikasa in her love, I came up with a plan. The plan didn't guarantee any such success, but I had hope that Mikasa was the one who'd take the initiative were she to be alone with Jean. Because of this thought, I came up with the plan to invite Mikasa, Jean, Armin, and Annie out to the movie theater with the plot of getting Jean and Mikasa alone elsewhere in the theater.

"Why are you inviting me to the movies?" Jean questioned when I confronted him about the plans I was making to hang out with everyone. "Wouldn't you just go with your friend Armin or something?"

"Oh, he's coming too. And so is Mikasa and Annie," I responded, completely realizing I forgot to mention it wasn't just me and him.

"Oh! Mikasa and Annie, too? I guess...I don't believe I have anything, so I'll go," he replied upon hearing that there were others coming. "What movie are we seeing, though?"

"I'll ask around for everyone's opinions and text you about it once I know," I explained. "Make sure you don't make any plans for that day on accident, okay?"

"Uh, s-sure?" Jean said awkwardly. He seemed to be surprised that I was even inviting him to anything since we didn't exactly get along as well as I did with most of the others.

On Saturday at about two in the afternoon, we all arrived at the movie theater, prepared to attend an action movie that began at 2:20 p.m. Armin carpooled with Annie since his parents were gone and apparently they were more friendly than before. I, the host, was the last to arrive.

"Isn't the person who invited everyone supposed to be the first here?" Armin wondered. "Why are you the last to arrive?"

"Sorry," I sighed. "My mom was taking a long time to get ready."

"Let's just go to the movie," Jean said. "I've actually wanted to see this one for a while now, but I never really had the opportunity to go."

"You're sixteen and have your license, so you could probably go whenever you wanted," Annie stated. "Do you fear looking lonely at the theater? Well, you are lonely, so..."

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