Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Miss Greene?" Mrs Gardener announced as soon as the bell signalling the end of period one. It had been our last lesson with her as we broke up tomorrow, but the old hag still continued making us do revision for 'The Most Important Year' we'd start in September.

"Yes, Mrs Gardener?" I answered, standing just inside the doorway.

Mrs Gardener beckoned me towards her desk. "I am your head of year, Lauren. I am taking the complaints from Keeley Griffin very seriously."

"Actually, it's nothing to do with the school because it was out of school time." I snapped. Mrs Gardener was our Head Of Year, but there was no way I was going to be in Inclusion for the last day of Year Ten.

"I appreciate that, Miss Greene. But apparently you have been bullying said Miss Griffin for a while now."

I let out a humourless laugh. "Mrs Gardener, are you genuinely trying to tell me that you that I, Lauren Greene, am a bully? Are you kidding me?"

"Keeley complained this morning and brought up some more stuff..."

"Did she mention that in Year Eight, she knocked Brooke's confidence to zero? Did she mention that she was the one who created so much tension in our loved form that she had to move? Tell me, Mrs Gardener, did you just hear her side?"

Mrs Gardener sighed, "I'm not pinning--"

"I refuse to stand here and be insulted in such a way. I'm one of the best, most reliable students at this school and if that means nothing just because I punched Keeley Griffin on the jaw - which she deserved, by the way - then I'm out. I'll act like you seem to think I do," I glared at the teacher. Her jaw was almost on the ground. "Goodbye."

I spun on my heel and stormed out of the classroom, anger boiling in my veins. Second Period on Thursday was Music, but I knew Miss Jenner would let me off, she was too nice for her own good.

Instead, I exited the main building and began walking up to the P.E department. Although I didn't take P.E, the staff were always willing for me to use the Fitness Suite as I was captain of the Year Ten netball team.

Storming up the stairs and towards the office, I spotted the Netball Coach sat there, twiddling her thumbs.

"Hello, Lauren, come in," She said when I had knocked on the door.

"Could I..." The words trailed off my tongue. Did I need the punch bag? Or would it be better to go shoot some goals? "Could I go on the netball courts this period?"

Coach looked at me, "Don't you have a period?"

"Yes... Miss Jenner..."

"Oh! That's fine, I'll call her. Here," Coach chucked the keys at me. "Go unlock the courts and grab a ball. I'll be out soon."


"Lauren, for crying out loud! That's four shots you've missed!" Coach shouted at me before aiming another netball at my face.

I expertly caught it before it shattered my nose and knocked out a few teeth.

"I haven't played in ages!" I defended, taking the shooting stance.

I flicked my wrists and pushed the ball up and towards the goal. It went in! I almost screamed in joy.

My position, Goal Shooter, was one that was heavily fought for between a lot of the girls. Since I had been playing since Year Four, my knowledge of the game rivalled some of the coaches I had met. It was only in Year Seven - when seven-aside was introduced - that I traded my position of a defender for a shooting one. It was the best decision.

BLEAKOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora