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We were cast out of the city. They took our homes, and forgot about what remained of us.
They only allowed the "normals" into town, because we were unwelcomed. Since the dawn of time we we're considered unclean.
But, little did they know that we were building out own society, if only they knew that we would break the barrier. The barrier between good and evil. The match that would ignight with a surface, the peace that was was yet to be rising. It was here, and the time was now, it was the time for, The Rise Of The Fallen.

Glene and I we're always wondering of what lye behind the gates.
They we're always closed, and never have they ever been opened.
Since we we're little they always kept the reason why they we're closed a secret.
It has been long since I had seen my parents, and Glene was my best friend.
The others say that they found us alone.
But only we know the truth.
I was alone at the age of 4 without my parents, and that's when he found me. He was 5 and he swore to my that he'd always protect me. And he always has.
My village says that my parents died to save me, but I don't believe it. Its seems so unreal. How and why would 2 people risk their lives for someone yet they not know.
I was the offspring of heros, and that's what everyone thought I should have been. Everyone except myself.
I am Allise Dovery. Leader of the E.A.G.L.E Eye corporation, and Ben and Jasmine Dovery are my parents.
They had some type of weird connection together. Some weird bond. And to top that all off, they weren't actually human.
They gave me their powers after they realized that they we're the only two of their kind. But, all of that changed when Asarth over ruled the rest of the worlds exsistance. He made it his mission to ruin my life, and anyone I loved. Thats why a usually distance myself from others.
Asarth and Jospeh now ruled everyone and everything.
What they said went, and everyone obided by their rules.
Jospeh betrayed Ben by leaving him and my mom behind, and overthrowing him.
I remembered everything as if it we're yesterday, though the days never remained the same.

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