Part 8

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I didn't think that since me and Alexandra had been in there, things wouldn't have changed.
But I was wrong.
The house had been ransacked. Tables that once stood had been tipped over, and the large shelf that sat in the corner, had many things spilled on the floor.
"Let's go search for a kitchen." Said Bill.
I sat down and caught my breath. Glene came and sat beside me.
"Your leg!" He said in utter fear.
I had completely forgot about my leg, and the whole reason why we're had gone into town.
"Let me see it." He said to me.
He grasped my leg and looked at the pocket, with blood leaking out of it.
"Can someone find a pocket knife, or scissors?" He asked everyone.
Mike grabbed one from his pants pocket and handed it to us.
"Thanks Mike"
He gently cut a large hole in my pocket and lifted it up. The skin under my pocket was a dark purple color, multiple gashes we're aligned up and down my leg. Some glass was stuck in my skin. Alexandra came back with a small cup of water and he poured it onto my skin. Mikes pocket knife had tweezers attached to it and he pluked the glass from my skin. It was throbbing now. He wrapped a long cloth around the cut and tied it from the back so blood wouldn't leak out.
"Can I hold the pants pocket?" I asked.
Glene stretched out his arm, picked it up, and handed it to me.
I peeled the top half of my pocket and saw the dry blood inside. Under multiple small pieces of glass was the butterfly that was once held by it. I sat the pants pocket on my left leg, and picked up the butterfly.
It was stiff, but also warm. I sat it in the middle of my palm and examined its unique color.
The butterfly suddenly began to flap it's wings. It flew to the center of the room as we all stared in awe. It's figure turned into a beam of light, and it stretched out into a reptilistic form. It turned into a baby dragon. It had stripes all around it's body, crisp white scales, and gleaming blue eyes.
A smile spread across Kevin's face.
"That is friggin awesome! " he looked around for any replies, "Holy crap guys.
The dragon flew over towards me and sat in my lap. It had something in it's mouth, and it nudged my hand to get it.
It was a leash, and a note card.
I sat the leash down and opened the card. Inside it listed:
Your destiny has lead you here to her. She is yours. Inside her mouth should have been a leash, there is no name on it, but whatever you name her it will appear on it.
Come to the old cottage to get the rest of your things, and do not let Alexandra break her glass. Please. You must keep the box she has closed. For you and her own safety.
From: Jasmine, your mother.
To: My sweet lady dearest to my heart, Allise.
I read everything but the the last part. Something in me just told me not to. I felt like it would hurt her feelings, so I kept it to myself.
"Hey, what about mine?" asked Alexandra.
She got the box from her pocket and was about to start banging it on the table.
"No wait stop." I said loudly.
"What?" She asked.
"Uh, maybe it has to break on accident. " I lied.
She stood and thought for a moment.
"Yeah. Maybe it does."
Mike looked at the dragon.
"What if it's not tamed." He said while backing away.
"C'mon dude it's been in a feakin box, this whole time. I'm pretty sure it's tamed." Said Emma.
"Yeah, she's right." Said Glene.
"So can it like strink and stuff?" Asked Bill.
"I know as much as you do." Said Mike.
The began to fuss for a little while over the dragon and whether it's safe to travel with it or not. Until Alexandra whistled loudly.
"Hey guys! How about we stop fussing and try to maybe ask the owner of the dragon, what she wants to do with it!"
They all turned to look at her, and then at me.
"Uh. I'm gonna keep it, that's for sure." I mumbled, "And whether it's tamed or not shouldn't be an issue."
"What are you going to name it Allise?" Glene asked.
I thought for a moment. There where many names I could think of, but I've always liked a certain name. I came to my conclusion.
"That's pretty cool." Said Emma as she nodded her head.
"Well let's get a move on. Don't wanna get there too late, to build a shelter or find a place to stay for the night." Said Mike.
We all left and journeyed to my childhood home. Where my parents had died. Where I had the best moments of my life.
The old cottage.

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