Part 5

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We sat for a few more hours talking about what we saw.
In a way it was confusing. But it was also understandable. You had to you understand it, there was really no other solution.
I shifted my sitting position and heard something crackle in my pocket. I shook my pocket and felt the outside. What could it have been? I then remembered the glass box in my pocket. When k reached inside my pocket I felt the shattered glass.
"What's wrong?" Alexandra asked.
"The glass box. With the butterfly inside. I think it broke in my pocket. "
She stood up and dusted herself off.
"Wait here."
She walked over to a large shelf and grabbed a plastic bag.
"Maybe if you empty it in here, I won't cut you."
Boom! Boom!
There was a bang on the door.
Alexandra quickly handed me the bag and reached out her hand to help me up. I grabbed it and she lives me up to sit me on the upper half of the house.
"Leonardo! I know your in there!" Said a loud voice outside.
She climbed up the latter and picked it up when she reached the top half of the house.
"Whats going on?" I whispered.
"Leo. He has been missing for days." She replied.
"Who's Leo? " I asked.
"Kane! Fin! Go check the back of the house! Imma' check the front!" Yelled the voice.
She stood up and peaked out the window.
"I'll tell you later." She whispered, "I know we just met, but I need you to trust me. Behind this house is a lake. If you jump out you'll land inside it and we won't get caught."
"What happens if we get caught?" I asked in curiosity.
"Asarth decides."
I stood up and stared over her shoulder.
By that far I could already tell that the water was deep. I was not afraid of water, but in these types of situations I felt rushed.
Boom! Boom!
There was another knock.
"On the count of 3 I want you to jump."
I nodded my head.
She raised her hand, lifted 3 fingers, and began to mouth the number 1.
I was getting ready.
She raised another.
I stepped closer to the ledge.
She raised the last one.
I jumped quickly, holding in my breath.
It was dark and steep. I opened my eyes and looked around. I couldn't feel myself surfacing. I just stayed in one spot. I could feel my breath shortening. My lungs closing. My heart pounding. I opened my mouth to release the little air I had, and tried filled it with more air. Somehow I breathed in and the water did not faze me.
I could breath clearly. The water started to separate from my body and an air bubble was formed around me.
A hand shot down an lifted me up.
"Are you okay!" Alexandra yelled, while hovering over me.
"Yeah." I mumbled.
She felt my shirt and pants leg.
"How are you still dry? You we're under there for at least 5 minutes. "
I rubbed my shirt and discovered that it was true.
"I don't know. But. Something weird happened down there."
She sat down on the ground and started to stare at the water.
"Did you see something? " she asked.
I shook my head.
"It's not important."
Alexandra laid back for a while. During this time I had been thinking about being able to breath under water. I leaned back and turned my upward. My hair fell back behind my ear and that's when she suddenly jumped up with her hand on her mouth. In confusion I jerk back and scooted away.
"What is it! Is there something on me!" I screamed.
She did not reply. While slowly removing her hand from in front of her mouth, she she eased forward.
"Your..." she gulped.
"I'm what?" I asked.
"Your bleeding and all cut up."
I felt my neck to see if a anything was there. Dripping down my neck, I could feel the slimy red liquid.
She quickly ran to the edge of the lake and began to splatter water on my neck. I couldn't really feel it. All I could feel was blood. Nothing else.
My pants leg was covered in blood. I could tell that the glass had somehow cut my back and leg. She was cleaning out the wound with water and picking small pieces of glass out of my pocket.
"Does it hurt?" She asked me.
"No. Its ju-"
"Emma!" Yelled a voice in the distance.
"Michael. I don't think she's coming out. " sounded another voice.
"God dangit', can't she take a gosh darn joke."
They we're getting closer.
Alexandra walked behind me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. She dragged me into the deep trees and told me to stay down and not say a word.
"Hey Bill, she could be in here." Sounded the third voice.
I heard the twigs and leaves crunch as they got closer. They we're breathing heavily as if they had been searching for hours.
A bug was crawling on my hand. It was a senipeid. I tried to jerk my hand back.
"Stay still. Do not move, you'll only make it angry." She whispered.
It was beginning to crawl to my leg, I could feel it's tiny legs, it's moist skin, it's slimmy body. I moved my hand a few inches as it was getting closer to my stomach. It was extending now, getting longer and longer. It was on my neck now. I was about to scream.
I squirmed hopelessly. It slowly opened it's mouth and lurched down. I squealed. And moved my foot.
"Did you guys here that?" Said the first voice.
"Probably a bird or something. " said the second voice.
She slowly reached in her pocket and pulled out a lighter. Carefully she eased next to the insect.
"Stay calm. Do not panic." she whispered.
She turned it on and placed on the large bug. I coiled and fell onto the ground.
It was quiet now. She let go of my shoulders and my mouth, and stood.
When she climbed out of the bushes I heard something click.
"Who are you!"
I leaned forward and saw a gun pointing towards her.
"I'm just passing through. " she lied.
"Hey dude, put the gun down. It's a lady in our presence. " said the second voice.
He had dark brown hair, and brown eyes. He looked very muscular and his skin was tanned. The man with the gun was completely opposite. His eyes we're blue and his hair was golden blonde.
"What are you guys doing!" Yelled a female voice.
It must have been Emma. She has the same color hair as the man with he gun, her hair was bouncy and her eyes we're also blue.
I stood up and waited until he put the gun down.
"Who's this!" Yelled the man with the gun.
"She's with me." Said Alexandra.
The girl looked at me up and down, and quickly saw the cuts.
"Oh my gosh. Are you okay?" She asked me.
I nooded my head.
"You guys should come with us. We could get you help in town." Said the man who had not spoken since he saw Alexandra.
"Yeah." Said the girl and the boy with blonde headed boy.
Alexandra looked at me.
I shrugged my shoulders.
We all walked out of the forest and began to go to town.

RIse Of The FallenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora