Part 6

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When we finally arrived to the small town, the sun was setting.
The dark haired boy turned around.
"Umm, sorry if he frightened you or anything. "
I smirked.
"Its fine, not the only time I was scared today." I said.
"I haven't introduced myself, have I." He asked.
He had not, but it really did not matter to me.
"Sorry again. My name is Bill Quinstion, the blonde headed boy is Michael Persty but every body calls him Mike, the guy who doesn't talk much is Kevin Roberts and the blondey over there is Emma Persty."
He pointed to everyone as he spoke.
"Nice to meet you all." I said.
I nudged Alexandras shoulder.
"Oh um. Yeah. Very nice to meet you." And scratched behind her ear, "I'm Alexandra Bowen by the way."
"And I'm Allise Dovery." I chimed in.
There was silence for a moment.
We all looked at our surroundings.
"Its never been this quiet at this time of day." Said Mike.
"Yeah." Emma agreed.
Bill walked over to the side and approached a business woman. She had old, bruised fruit on her cart and flys landing on her nose.
"Umm excuse me Miss. But might I ask you a question?" He asked.
"Yeah dear boy, yes."
"Do you know why everyone is gone? "
"That jerk head Asarth recruited a bunch of men to go to war. The mothers and wives are waiting at the docks, he's lost it now. After that girl went missing he's been searching for her." She looked behind her to see if anyone was listening, "If you ask me, sending more than 200 innocent men, some even with children to go looking for some useless, girl is mad. But what do I know." She struged her shoulders and began to unload more old fruit.
"Well thank you." He later said.
He walked over towards us and shrugged his shoulders.
"Dumb jerk face recruited a bunch of men, to go find some girl that went missing."
I couldn't help but feel like I had done something wrong. It had been me who caused this, and somehow I had put many lives in danger. No one knew that I was the girl who went missing and there was no way that I would just come out and say it. Not now. Not there. So I just remained silent.
"Well she needs to hurry. Cause if there are no other men here, then Asarth won't allow the others to get food." Said Emma.
"Thats bull honky!" Yelled Kevin.
"Well we all know it is. But we can't change it." Said Alexandra.
"We can if we find that girl." Said Mike.
I couldn't believe it. But I couldn't tell them.
A horn sounded, and the lady bagen to pack all her stuff up.
"Holy crap." Mumbled Bill.
"Whats going on." I asked.
"Its Asarth." Whispered Emma.
"When he blows the horn a war is about to begin." Said Bill.
They stood still for a while, as if they we're waiting for something.
"We should just go. He's taking too long." Said Kevin.
"Yeah. Good idea. If you want to get us killed." Said Mike.
Emma rolled her eyes.
"If he sees you 3, he'll automatically recruit you."
They nodded their head in agreement.
Just as we began to walk away, a deep loud voice bellowed over the streets.
"I shall open the gates! And to whomever finds the lost girl, shall gain freedom for all on either side!"
He pulled back some cord and a l a large scroll was let down.
My face was across the large platform, with my name.
Everyone turned to look at me.
At this moment, there was no escape.
"Run." Emma whisperd to me and Alexandra.
"We'll meet up with you guys at the lake. Just go."
I nodded my head, and began to slowly walk away, until walking turned into jogging, and jogging turn into running, and in a few minutes, I was out into the forest, with Alexandra. Hopelessly lost.

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