Part 7

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"Where do we go now!" Yelled Alexandra as she through her hands up in the air.
"I don't know." I said.
She walked next to a tree, and plopped down on the tree trunk next to it. I walked up and sat on the ground beside her. She turned towards me and let out a huge huff.
"So its true, isn't it? " she said while faintly smiling.
"I guess so." I whispered.
She shook her head.
"Do you know how many stories that have been told of your family?" She smiled wide.
I shook my head.
"Your dad had the youngest dragon! And your mom was amazing. They say that your family was awesome. He had a sword that could be folded into a box, a whistle that could call his dragon from miles away, and a reputation of a boss." She was laughing now.
"That sounds awesome." I said.
"Makes me wonder, if that stuff really exist anymore." She mummered.
I sat and thought for a moment.
"If they do, I bet I could find them." I said.
"Where? "
"My old house."
She leaned up and turned her whole body towards me.
"Are your... I mean our...or they. I don't know but, are Ben and Jasmine still alive?"
I explained everything to her. How they transferred their powers to me, how Jasmine put Asarth in a deep sleep, and was only to be awakened when his whistle was blown by me.
She just sat there and listened to me, and a few minutes later Kevin, Mike, Bill, and Emma arrived.
"Hey guys we we're just on our way to the lake." Yelled Bill from the distance.
We stood up and began to walk towards them.
"Where do we go now?" Asked Kevin.
Mike shrugged his shoulders.
"How about that old abandoned house?"
"A bunch of people are in that house, looking for some guy named Leo." Said Alexandra.
"My place is probably packed too." Said Mike.
"Ours too." Said Emma.
I broke my silence and stepped forward.
"I think I know a place."
Everyone turned towards me.
"Its way far out. But I'm sure it's safe."
They nodded in agreement.
"Well let's get a move on" said Kevin.
"Can we go back for someone." I said.
"Where?" Kevin asked me.
Glene had been on my mind every since I left. I wanted to be with him again, and I wasn't going to just leave him.
"He's beyond the gates." I answered.
"Well you can't be seen, or you'll be right where you started." Said Emma.
"I'll find him." Said Alexandra, "Whats his name and what does he look like?"
"His name is Glene. He has dark brown hair, and green eyes. His house is located in the far left side of the street. "
She nodded her head as I spoke.
"Okay, I know this place like the back of my hand. Ill get there in less than 10."
"Ill come with you." Said Kevin.
She started walking forward.
"Well come on." She said as she turned around.
Kevin began to walk forward.
"Hey guys stay here, and be hidden." Said Kevin as he turned around for a few seconds.
Bill began to walk around in a circle.
"I'm gonna go take a leak."
He walked farther out into the woods and we all stood uncomfortably.
It had been a few minutes since anyone said anything. I belived everyone was mad at me, or a least angry. I mean I would be. If the enimie was with you the whole time. But the probably we're speechless. They had said so many bad thing about me, and didn't even know that they we're.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm wanting to go check out that house over there." Emma said to everyone.
Bill came back a second later, buckling up his pants.
"Well, I'm in." He said while squatting down to dip his hands in a puddle of water.
I looked at the Mike, and shrugged my shoulders.
"I guess then."
She started to walk in the opposite direction of the Kingdom.
"What if they come back while we're gone?" I asked the three of them.
"They'll be fine, and we'll probably be back before they get back." Said Emma.
We walked for a few minutes and still we're surrounded by tall trees.
"So how did all of you guys meet?" I asked.
"Well me and Mike are siblings. Kevin and Bill are his best friends, so all of us basically hand out together." Said Emma.
We continued to walk.
"How about you? You and Alexandra." Asked Bill.
"Well we just met today." I said awkwardly.
"That's surprising." Said Mike while digging in his ear, "You guys already seem so close."
I nodded my head.
"Thats because we are, but we didn't know."
"What'd you say your name was again?" Emma asked.
"Allise." I said once more.
"I know that, but what's your middle and last name?"
"Allise Matiline Dovery."
All of them stopped walking, and turned to stare at me.
Bill suddenly knelt on one knee. Mike did the same, almost stumbling as he did so.
I slowly backed away as Emma knelt on both knees with her head almost touching the ground.
"What are you guys doing?"
I was overwhelmed.
"Matiline!" Yelled voice in the distance.
I could recognize that voice anywhere. I quickly turned to see Glene, with Kevin and Alexandra running behind him.
A smile spread across his face, and was almost admedetly was covered with confusion as he saw the 3 bodies kneeling on the ground.
"Matiline?" He said confusingly while jogging towards me.
"Glene." I said while still smiling.
I ran towards him with my arms wide open. When I was finally in front of him a clamped down and his back, as he swung me around in circles.
When he hugged me, I felt safe. I dug my head in between his arm and neck and smiled.
"Allise Dovery. I've missed you." He whispered into my ear as he let me down.
"I missed you too." I replied while holding his hand and staring at his temple.
It had been a few months since I saw him and during that time his hair had grown to the length of the end of his neck. He had obviously been working out, and his eyes had not changed one bit.
Alexandra and Kevin had ran over to Mike, Bill, and Emma.
"What happened to them?" Asked Kevin.
I turned towards them.
"I don't know. All I did was tell them my name."
Alexandra hit her forehead.
"Oh my gosh. Guys get up." She told the three.
"What did telling them her name do?" Kevin asked.
"She's a Dovery. "
Kevin stopped what he was doing and shot down to the ground.
Alexandra tried multiple times to get them up and so did Glene.
"Can you all please just get up." I muttered.
All of them stood at once.
"Thank you, Princess. " they all said together.
"Okay..." I said, "So can we start going?" I the asked.
"As you wish." They said together once again.
I started to walk forward.
"We should stop by that house first, for supplies. " said Glene.
"How did you know that the house was here?" Asked Alexandra.
"They we're looking for me earlier. While i was looking for Allise." He said sternly.
"Oh." She scratched her head, "I didn't catch your name."
"It is Glene Leanardo Kelton." He sniffled, "Whats yours?"
"I'm Alexandra Green." She smiled while reaching out to shake his hand.
"What is your last name, might I ask?" He asked Alexandra.
"I don't know it." She mumered while looking down to that ground.
"Well I bet it's grand."
Everyone introduced themselves later, and finally we had made it to the large house.

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