Part 10

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The Return.
By the time we got to the cave, the inside was blazed with light, giant pieces of rock lay on the outside of it.
I ran inside a saw Josephine squealing and trying to flap her wings as her body grew.
Everyone ran out, but I went the opposite way.
"Allise! Get out of there! Its not safe." Yelled Kevin.
I heard more rocks falling. More squealing. She was hitting her tale against the wall, like she was in pain.
"Allise! No!" Glene yelled.
I looked above me and saw a giant bolder fall.
All I could see was black. I wasn't unconscious, and I wasn't dead. I looked beside me and saw her body laying beside me.
"Allise!" I heard Glenes voice mumble.
Above me I saw a glossy blue bubble. The rocks we're above it.
"Guys help me dig her out!" Yelled Glene.
The sound of clawing and pulling overwhelmed me. A ray of light was shined above me and the sight of Glenes face man me feel safe.
He yanked away the last remainder of rock from around me and tryed tl reach to pull me up. I reached up and the bubbly exterior popped.
His hand reached down and grabbed me. He had his arms tightly clutched around my back, slowly rocking back and forth.
"Thank goodness your okay." He whispered in my ear.
"Give her some air dude. And help the dragon out." Said Bill.
Glene slowly let go and helped me stand.
Kevin and Mike where digging up Josephine.
She wasn't hurt. Her scales barley dirty. She slowly stood shook the remain rocks.
"What do you think happened to her?" Asked Emma.
"I have no idea. But I do know that we don't have a place to stay now." Complained Kevin.
"I know a place... but it's gonna be to dark to go there." Said Glene.
"Well anywhere would be fine." Said Mike.
"My old home. Its a dump but..." he stopped speaking and looked up behind me.
"Holy mother of Mary....." his moth was wide open staring.
Everyone turned around to look.
It was a huge dragon. With Asarth riding it.
The beast let out a huge huff and fire sprang in front of them.
"Run!" Yelled Alexandra.
Everyone stared to run in opposite directions. But I stood in shock and fear.
"Allise! Run!' Yelled Glene.
All I did was stare at the huge beast.
Something swooped down and lifted my off the ground. I looked up and saw Josephine. She was flying rapidly fast, swerving and swooping down to grab my other friends. She lifted up Alexandra first and threw her onto her back. Next she lifted up Mike with her tale and Kevin in her mouth.
Glene was the only one that was still running.
She threw Mike onto her back, while still holding Kevin in her mouth. She swooped down and grabbed Glene.
"Guys!" Yelled Kevin as he dangled, "Help me!"
I scooted up until I was on the back of Josephine's neck. By looking down I could see the terrible land pass by quickly.
A fire ball flew beside Josephine. I reached down and tried to grab Kevin.
"Look out!" Glene yelled.
He grabbed my back leg and I slipped.
"Kevin!" I screamed, "Grab my hand!"
He slowly reached up.
One last fire ball was thrown and it hit the back of Josephine's tail.
She opened her mouth and squealed. Just as Kevin began to fall I grabbed his hand and lifted him up.
He laid gasping for air for a moment.
"I officially hate dragons."
I looked at Alexandra and Glene, and began to laugh.
"Guys!" Yelled Alexandra, "He'd gaining on us!"
I wobbly stood and looked far out.
He was getting closer.
Glene began to look down.
"Almost there." He mumbled.
"He's getting closer!" I screamed.
Glens was looking back and forth at, Asarth and the ground.
"Tell the dragon to drop when I say now!" Glene yelled to me.
"Are you crazy!" Yelled Emma.
He looked at me.
"Trust me."
I nodded my head.
Asarth was almost behind us.
I saw the dragon take a deep breath, with smoke coming from his nose. He breathed again, and opened his mouth to release fire.
"Now!" Glene yelled.
I told Josephine to drop down.
We fell in a deep dark abyss.

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