Part 11

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Left Behind.
We had been falling for a few minutes until we land on Josephine's soft back.
"Holy crap!" Yelled Kevin.
Glene walked over to me and helped me up.
"Are you okay?" He asked.
I nodded my head.
"Is everyone okay?" Glene asked everyone.
Every one moaned in pain.
Bill helped Emma and Mike up.
"Alexandra?" I said.
She mumbled something.
I quickly came to kneel beside her.
"Are you alright?"
I looked down at her pocket, and saw that it was filled with blood.
"Glene!" I yelled.
He ran over to me and knelt down beside her. He looked at her pocket and saw the blood.
"There's a a pond, not far from here. I could clean it there."
"I can do it- I mean if she wants me to." Said Bill.
His face was completely red and he seemed dazed.
"Fine with me. Its just down there, follow the white rope and you'll be at the docks." Said Glene.
"Ill come with you guys." I said, "You guys look around for something to eat or to sleep on."
We all split in different directions.
It was dark, and misty. I heard drops of water as we walked.
"We're almost there." Said Glene.
Bill was holding Alexandra tight in his arms, cradling her like a baby.
I knew that it had to be the glasses butterfly. The note told me not to let her open it...but I didn't understand if this was supposed to happen.
We we're at the pond a few minutes later. It was an odd clear blue, with lily pads floating all around it.
Bill knelt down and laid her beside the water. He easily ripped a hole in the pants and her wound was just like mine had been.
She hissed in pain as her started to take out the small pieces of glass.
It had been the butterfly case that broke in her pocket. But this one justblay stiff not doing anything.
Glene squatted down to see it.
"Both of you had one?"
"Yeah. We found them together." I answered.
"Wonder what hers will be." He said.
"I do too."
In a way I didn't want her to break the rule that my mom laid aside, but this could be destiny.
The sound of beeping over ruled the cave.
All of us turned in the direction of where the sound was coming.
"They went this way boss!"
Bill quickly picked up Alexandra and Glene grabbed me by the waist. They ran behind a corner and hid.
"ITS NOT ONLY US!" Yelled Kevin far out in the distance.
"Shut up." Whispered Emma.
I saw them now, Emma, Mike, Kevin, and Josephine chained up waking in a straight line.
"No! I'm not dying for them!" He yelled.
Jenny pushed him against the wall and put her elbow to his throat.
"Tell me the names. Now."
He gulped and started to breath heavily.
"Alexandra, Bill, Glene, and uh... Allise."
She smiled evilly.
"We've been looking for the brat all day!"
During the he time that Kevin was ratting everyone out, Emma had been unlocking her self.
Glene peeked around the corner and pointed towards a rock, while mouthing the words hit her. Emma noticed and nodded her head.
"Were did they go?" Jenny asked.
"They went somewhere over here." He yelled.
Jenny looked back at the men that came with her.
"This one's coming with us."
She pulled out her knife from it's case and held it firmly in her hand.
Emma stood slowly and eased over the Jenny.
One of the gaurds turned around and saw her, getting ready to strike. The gaurd was just about to yell as blood ran down his chin. Jenny turned quickly turned around as Emma lurched down with ball her might.
The other 3 gaurds ran back to the entrance.
Jenny lay on the ground unconscious.
Emma quickly unlocked Josephine from her chains, while we walked from the corner.
"What the heck man!" Glene yelled to Kevin.
"You would have done the same thing!" Said Kevin.
"You could have gotten all of us killed!" Yelled Emma.
"Not to mention your own self!" Said Alexandra.
She was standing now, with the dry blood on the bottom of her pants.
"Why would you do that to us!" I yelled.
He didn't answer.
"I see what all our years of friendship lead to." Said Mike.
"Where's the exit from this place, it's almost sun up anyway. " Bill said to Kevin.
"Back from where we came." He answered.
All of us except for Kevin walked back to the entrance.
"Guys!" Yelled Kevin, "Come back!"
But we kept walking.
That night we left him with Jenny. If Asarth wanted his daughter he'd have to come get her, and save Kevin the process, because he wasn't our problem anymore.

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